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  1. Evening Abykann, Actions speak louder than words! Anyone can say anything! They can give you pie in the sky statements! They can even propose! But it doesn’t mean anything until you’ve got down the aisle and have said “I Do!” I am not saying this is necessarily you or your relationship, but just to give an example: My sister was in an 11 year relationship. They bought a house together; perpetually lived together for a decade. They battled over getting married all the time. He did eventually propose to her and all seemed well… apart from, 4 years passed engaged and nothing even began to get organised regarding a wedding. There is no perfect time for anything. No perfect time for children, no perfect time for marriage. You have to want those things and men and women who want to be married will make legitimate steps and action to get there. It’s always hard to say from over the internet but unfortunately it sounds like he may be stringing you along. You have to ask yourself if, in 5 years time, he changes his mind again and you are nearing 30, if you’d be okay realising it was based on limited substance and you had to start over again? My sister is now 32 and newly single. She thought she would be happily married by now with children but she finds herself on the singles market and having to start all over again because she didn’t listen to her gut feelings! All the best, and trust your instinct, because even if you have a heart to heart with him, he could possibly still lie if his motivation is really never to be married. x
  2. Aw Yoga!! Thank you so much! At first I thought; this doesn’t make sense?! But then I realised you guys across the pond celebrate it on a completely different day to us Brits and we’ve already had ours 🤣 but the thought is absolutely so sweet and I’ll take another extra one anytime HA! Cheers Yoga x
  3. You need to sift them faster than ever Sindy! I feel it’s the opposite advice! When you’re young and a teenager, you have the luxury of time to waste a little. As we get older? Not so much! Trust your gut! What do you really think about him and how did he make you feel? You only ever really need one date to make up your mind if they are someone worth getting serious about - in my opinion! x
  4. Some stories? Yoga, I tell you what! 🤣 Did I ever mention to you that I was a stripper/pole dancer/lapdancer from the age of 18 to 21? I have experienced some night life but maybe not in the same ways as you but, maybe - I don’t know your stories? LMAO!!!! 😉🤣🤣🤣 I’m sure we could both spin some yarn! 😆 x
  5. Oh wow Yoga! What a night THAT sounds!!! Here in the UK, the “beach house” scene (if there even is one?!) is just nothing compared to what I imagine you get a Cafe Del Mar or Buddha Bar Ibiza or Miami coast or anything like that! Always wanted to go and see it for myself! For a second then when I saw the title of your song at the bottom, I thought it was this! Love hearing your wild coast party days! I never went through that… I never enjoyed going out to clubs and I can’t take my drink! Nowadays I can have a few cocktails or a small class of wine spritzer and that’s me definitely done! Always preferred to work at clubs or in a bar environment and be part of it that way, as part of the club workings. I kinda absorbed the nightlife energy that way but didn’t have any responsibility to have a good time 🤣 Always wanted to go out to a club and just enjoy it, let my hair down! Now I’m 34 and married it’s also not what I wanna do. I go out to bars but that’s different. Would loved to have been there/seen it!!!! It’s always the quiet ones Yoga - have to watch out for you lot 😉😆 x
  6. I forgot all about this one!!!! Miguel!!! 🥳🤣 I also love Miguel Migs - the beach house music King 🤣😎 x
  7. Thanks Seraphim! I will bottle them up one day 🤣 x
  8. Say anything but no to me. Don’t say no. I hate it when you say no! Anything but no. x
  9. From a beach bum to a mountain babe, I’ve been playing this since 8am: 🤣😎😎😎 🌊 x
  10. @dias! ”Women women women… why was I born handsome instead o’rich?” 🤣
  11. LMAOOOO! Role reversal - secretly, most men would love to be objectified and women wish a young guy would just use ‘em for their money 🤣🤣🤣 🥂 x
  12. I’m developed an instant, compulsive, recent obsession with the beach. I’ve always loved it, always. This was part of the reason why we moved here. But it’s taken on, in the last week, some deep, need of a meaning for me. I keep contriving ways to take those steps out onto the coast. Sitting down in the shower this morning, all the sash windows open to the bathroom, letting tepid water pound the back of my neck and shoulder blades. I sat there for about half an hour… forty five minutes… looking at the sea foam green ceramic floor tiles, and the way the dark cast iron feet of the bath contrasted against it. I wondered if anyone else tranced out in a Spring daydream? Concocting all the ways to get that five minute walk to the sea. The air has suddenly turned fresh and crisp - summer is nearly here, the winter has gone. For a long time, I wondered if this would be the year eternal winter stayed, like the curse of Narnia, the beach forever cast in gothic mist. Air dried bed sheets smell of rose petals and sea breeze. There is no wind. Yesterday, we were encased in still warmth. I can’t even post the part of the beach that is my favourite. An idyllic, mystical cove, practically Jurassic in its mountainous cliffs. There was hardly a soul. Me and the girls had the world to ourselves. Today we woke to freckles across our noses and pink forearms, be a soft ripple at the linen curtains. And the sun, still here, seeing off the months before. x
  13. I would have been the type of student that started the school paper. If I’d been that type of student. x
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