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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Stirring the Pot of Rekindling Emotions: How to Make Someone Notice You Again

    We’ve all been there at one time or another: that feeling when someone you care about simply doesn’t take notice of you anymore. For some of us, it’s a distant family member, for others it’s a close friend or perhaps even a romantic partner. In any event, the hurt of being disregarded—or worse yet, forgotten—can be hard to bear, and it can feel like no matter how many times you make an effort, nothing ever seems to work.

    The truth is, there is no easy solution to this situation and every one can present unique challenges according to the individual personalities and dynamic between people. However, it may very well be possible to make some progress towards a positive outcome if you are willing to take special care when reaching out.

    Whereas an outright outburst such as shouting or throwing a fit might under certain circumstances grant you some attention—albeit, the wrong kind—it is unlikely to be a constructive of long-term nature. Instead, consider using subtle cues. For example, if the person you care about is neighbor of yours, start conversing with them whenever you cross paths in a calm manner, which can show that you are interested in ingratiating yourself with them. If they do not respond in kind, do not take it personally and remain kindhearted.

    Are they already a part of your social circle? If so, ask them how their day went or what’s been on their mind lately but only after engaging other people around you. This simple action can make a difference in the way people perceive you and might also grant you the chance to be treated with more reciprocity.

    It should go without saying, but politeness will always be your best asset. It may also be a welcomed surprise when it appears intermittent with respect to their personality. For instance, it would not only be a way to exhibit your thoughtfulness and polite manner, but also a strong contrast if they are accustomed to those around them being inconsiderate.

    Little action go further way when trying to revive a relationship that seems to have grown apart over time. A thoughtful gift, a token of appreciation, even a letter of sincere apology can carry precious meanings with profound effects on the emotions of its recipient.

    With little patience, consistency, and adaptive change in your behavior, the person you want to notice you may yet make acknowledgments of your presence and willingness to be near. Time has its often merciful ways of granting second chances, but its success depends how much of the load each person is willing to take.

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