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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Dating Someone Who's Been Single for a Long Time

    It isn't always obvious that your partner has been alone for a long time before starting a relationship with you. However, there are some telltale signs to look out for that may indicate that your date is having trouble adjusting to life without being single. If you come across any of these signs, it's important to give them space and understand that it takes people time to become comfortable in a new situation.

    Being single for an extended period of time isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when a person suddenly finds themselves in a relationship after a long spell of independence, they may have trouble shifting their focus. They may find themselves stuck in old habits and constantly questioning their decisions. This can lead to excessive hesitating, second-guessing and worrying, all of which can be taxing on a relationship.

    Physical touch might be problematic as well. Because they've been alone for a while, your partner may be uncomfortable with certain kinds of affection. Before your relationship began, they were not accustomed to having someone in their personal bubble so they may have difficulty expressing physical closeness. While this doesn't mean they're not interested, it may take more time for them to get used to sharing their bodies with another person.

    When it comes to compromise, it may also be difficult for someone who has been single for too long. If a decision needs to be made, your partner may be hesitant because they're used to having all the control over the situation. Compromise is key to a healthy relationship, so make sure you talk openly with your partner about what makes them uncomfortable and look for creative solutions. The way relationships used to be portrayed in the media might also take a while to comprehend. There is often an idealized version of love that causes unrealistic expectations. If your partner has been single for quite a while, then it will take them some time to accept that real-life relationships don't mirror the perfect image depicted in movies and TV shows.

    Sudden changes might also cause your partner to feel overwhelmed. They had grown comfortable with the gradual day-to-day alterations of living a solitary life, whereas now their whole world has been uprooted by you. Although it can feel nice to be the source of joy for someone, it's important to recognize any challenges they may be facing and offer support. Trust could also be a huge issue. After being single for a long time, your partner may have willingly or involuntarily chosen to invest their trust in no one but themself. This means that it won't come easily to them, and they may struggle with even basic aspects of trusting a partner.

    Having a partner who's been single for too long can sometimes be challenging, but it could also be a incredible growth opportunity. Understand that they will need time to adjust and be gentle with yourself and your partner. Talk openly and observe their behaviour, so that you can work together on this ultimately rewarding journey to the rich vista of companionship.

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