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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Are Your Expectations Too High? Finding the Balance in Relationships

    No matter how strong your relationship is, there are times when you have to look within yourself and ask whether your expectations of the people around you are too high. This can be exceptionally difficult, especially in a situation where both parties have trouble communicating their needs, but ultimately it can make a huge difference both short term and long term.

    In the case of the user who posted this question, they seemed to be questioning the balance between their partner and themselves. In general, a healthy relationship depends on two parties who each hold an equal amount of responsibility and expectations. That being said, each person will have a different perspective of what kind of balance works best, and it forms an important part of every developing relationship.

    When looking at the user’s post specifically, it is clear that communication is at the core of their dilemma. Quite often, it is impossible for two people to come to an unequal understanding of each others’ expectations without open and honest dialogue. It could be that the user's partner might not even realize how the user feels, leading to a breakdown in communication. The key here is that taking time to explore each of your expectations and actively working to understand each other is essential for any relationship to progress and develop.

    By delving into the specifics of what each party is looking for, you can usually pinpoint whether one’s expectations are too high. This can be tricky, as each individual may have different priorities, but it is important to find common ground and understand where each person is coming from. Even if it seems like a conflict has no clear winner or loser, compromise is generally the key to finding a balance that works for both of you.

    Another thing to consider is whether or not one partner is pushing the limits of what is considered to be reasonable. There are many instances where one person’s expectations can be so extreme that they eventually stretch the boundaries of what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like. Identifying these expectations ahead of time and either refusing to accept them or making a conscious effort to adjust them can help bring some much needed clarity and stability to a relationship.

    Finally, we must refer back to the initial context of the user’s post - are their expectations too high? While the answer to this question is ultimately up to the user alone, it is important to remember that understanding your expectations and making sure that you are both communicating openly about them is essential for the success of any relationship. It can be hard to step back and take a realistic look at the situation, but taking the time to do so can be crucial.

    The user’s post boils down to being honest with themselves and making a genuine effort to understand their partner’s expectations. If a balance cannot be reached, then it might be time to re-evaluate the relationship and decide whether it is worthwhile. Standing up for oneself and refusing to be taken advantaged of is a courage act, and by taking an honest look at the situation and refusing to bend to unreasonable expectations, the user can create a healthier, more meaningful relationship.

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