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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Self-Introspection: The Key to Achieving Lasting Happiness

    When it comes to living our best lives, many of us often forget the power of self-introspection. It can be difficult to take a step back and look at our lives from a different perspective, to be truly honest with ourselves and open to change. But by doing this, we can acquire greater understanding of our selves and our relationships, as well as life experiences that could lead us toward true happiness.

    Self-introspection allows us to pause, reflect and critically examine our actions, words and emotions, with the goal of increasing our overall awareness. Over time, this practice can result in improved emotional intelligence, a better understanding of our values, enhanced emotional regulation skills, and more accepting attitudes toward ourselves and others.

    In its purest form, self-introspection is simply the process of reflecting deeply and thoughtfully on our past, present and future. Start by exploring your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and beliefs. Ask yourself things like “What is important to me?” or “How do I respond differently when stressed?” Become aware of the stories you tell yourself, those inner critiques that shape your views of reality, and dig deeper into them. To uncover latent beliefs – the ones revealed to you by your actions, choices, and reactions – try writing down your thoughts at different times of the day. When done over a period of time, this routine of self-monitoring can help you gain an understanding of how much certain beliefs and decisions affect you, leading to greater self-awareness.

    Set aside some time each week to check in with yourself and foster an atmosphere for mindfulness. This could include activities ranging from journaling or mindful walks to yoga and meditation. As you practice these activities regularly, note their effects on you – feeling less fearful or stressed, for example – and reflect on what has positively and negatively impacted your mental landscape.

    To deepen your self-exploration, consider taking part in therapeutic activities like psychodrama. This involves acting out highly emotive scenarios with specific characters and plotlines, which can help you gain additional clarity around why you feel the way you do.These sessions will help you process events and other circumstances in your life that have triggered negative emotions, allowing you to nurture healthier self-talk and develop a brighter outlook.

    In addition to looking inward, make sure to also become aware of situations and relationships outside of you, and the space you share with them. Evaluate how you interact with these other people and situations, and ask yourself if they bring out the best in you or if they tend to anchor you down. Note their impacts on your mental wellbeing and take steps to further optimize these exchanges.

    Most of all, remember that self-introspection is about loving yourself. Take pride in the progress and progressions you make, no matter how small, and work to cultivate inner peace above all else. We all struggle sometimes, and that is okay. With mindful introspection and intentional effort, however, we can come to trust the clarity of our own personal truths and live the happy lives we were meant to.

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