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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Determining Good from Bad: Achieving Your Lasting Success

    We are all faced with decisions every day. With some we must choose the right path and others may be seemingly insignificant but could alter our lives in ways we never imagined. It can be difficult to navigate, trying to determine which decision is “right” or “wrong”, what is “good” or “bad”. However, you can use this complexity as an opportunity to further your own knowledge, to spark growth and maturity, but also to find lasting success.

    It’s vital to be honest with yourself when choosing any course of action, whether it be in a relationship, at work, or about something personal. Evaluate the current situation you are in and if it aligns with your true self. Do not let outside pressures from the world sway your decisions, stand firm in your resolve. Try to gain perspective from those who care for you and take into account what those individuals would say. Their guidance will provide further insight, allowing you to effectively choose the “good” in the vast complexities of life.

    It is important to note that the lasting success you will gain from making this decision is worth beyond measure. You must not focus solely on the positive outcome, but delve deeper into the why. Asking yourself the underlying reasons for your decision will help solidify any shake of doubt and build character. This stronger self-awareness offers growth opportunities that may have otherwise been left undiscovered.

    But be vigilant; some things may appear to be beneficial while they truly absorb any progress you may have learned. An appearance of success can be hollow due to its fleeting reality; it is merely a temporary distraction from reality. Make sure you are aware of such traps and refrain from succumbing.

    Now, while making the right call may be difficult, it is possible. Think of it in terms of a complex puzzle: all of the pieces fit and move in tandem, when lined up correctly the final picture is revealed. Just like a puzzle, the situation you’re in grants a complete picture when all elements are examined throughout the decision-making process. Those moments and experiences are yours for the taking. All it takes is an ounce of patience, confidence, and trust with yourself.

    Sustainability is key for success and should be taken into account with any major choice. Short term gratification may be an added bonus when everything works, but in the end, it is essential that the result of one decision affects the succeeding events in life in a good and advantageous way. Don’t make the same mistake twice and take advantage of new information and experiences which can offer further guidance.

    The “what” matters less than the “why”. Even if the chosen decision at the moment proves to be wrong, learn from it and grow! Open yourself to these possibilities, fully assess the outcomes and how they affect each individual aspect of life, and continue to challenge yourself every step of the way. Choose “good”for yourself and strive for lasting success.

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