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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Dealing with a Husband's Contact with an Ex-Girlfriend

    Dealing with the knowledge that your husband is still in contact with his ex is rarely easy for a wife. No matter the existing relationship between the husband and his ex-girlfriend, it is a sensitive and complicated situation. While it is often difficult to move beyond the feelings of betrayal, mistrust, and insecurity that linger, setting appropriate boundaries and rebuilding trust in the marriage can be accomplished with thoughtful communication and patience.

    It’s natural to experience strong, negative emotions if you find out your husband has maintained a relationship with an ex-girlfriend, and it’s important to acknowledge and forgive yourself for those feelings. Jealousy and insecurity are valid responses to this circumstance due to the pain of being reminded of broken trust. However, it is essential to be mindful of the importance of setting appropriate boundaries and not letting emotion dictate your actions.

    The first step is communicating clearly and openly with your spouse. Express your concern in a calm and concise manner, with an emphasis on expressing your feelings instead of blaming or accusing. This is not a time to lash out in anger or passive aggression. Open dialogue will allow you to discussion and come to a mutual decision on what the boundaries should be and the protocol for further contact. For example, if your husband has been sending inappropriate messages or gifts, then it may be best to end all communications to maintain the stability and security in your relationship. Being honest and open will help to build trust as long as it is done without judgement.

    If there was an issue violated by the spouse, working together to rebuild trust may be a tough but necessary process. Depending on the situation and sentiments at hand, both members of the couple will have different expectations. Is it more important to restore trust, or is it better to just let go of the incident and move on? If communication lags or arguments occur often, consider seeking professional counseling to help provide guidance and clarity. A therapist can objectively offer helpful advice as both parties work through the issues and find a path forward.

    It is possible to overcome the feelings of distrust and uneasiness when dealing with a husband’s contact with an ex-girlfriend. Setting clear boundaries and working together to rebuild trust will require patience and perseverance. Additionally, seeking the help of a trusted therapist may help bridge communication gaps and provide clarity to the situation. Even though the task at hand may be daunting and tense, couples can use this experience as an opportunity to deepen the trust within the marriage.

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