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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    How Can I Move On From an Unexpected Breakup?

    Dear eNotAlone: I've been dumped by my ex for 3 weeks now and don't know how to move on. We had been together for 2 years and he suddenly told me it was over without any explanation or warning. We didn't have a bad fight or anything but he just said he needed some space. I miss him so much, I don't know how to get rid of these feelings. I feel like my life is on hold since the breakup and I can't seem to let myself move on.

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    Being dumped by someone you care about can leave you feeling disoriented and at a loss for what to do next. The pain of a breakup can be like a shock that lingers for some time as you start to process your emotions and let go of what was. It can be especially hard if there was no warning or explanation given.

    While it's easy to wallow in self-pity and miss what you had, it's important to find ways to keep your life moving forward, regardless of how difficult that may seem. Here are some tips for dealing with a breakup you were not expecting and how to move on from it.

    First, take space from the relationship. It's likely that your ex mentioned space for a reason. Allow yourself space to reflect on your breakup and to come to terms with it on your own. This may mean avoiding your ex's social media or deleting them as a contact number. Removing connections to your past relationship can help you focus on yourself.

    Second, try journaling your emotions. When faced with a breakup, you may have trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Writing down what you're feeling can help you process those feelings better and make sense of why things didn't work out. Express both the positive and negative aspects of your relationship, as this will help you identify potential issues that may have hurt the relationship.

    Third, change the narrative of the breakup. Instead of thinking about the breakup as a failure, see it as an opportunity for growth and new beginnings. Acknowledging the pain you feel and shifting your perspective will help keep negativity at bay and allow you to begin focusing on the present.

    Fourth, reach out to your friends and family. It's normal to feel lonely and isolated after a breakup, and meeting up with people you trust for emotional support is a great way to remember that you're not alone. Talking to family members or close friends may also help you normalize the situation, receive advice, and eventually make peace with the breakup.

    Focus on self-care and practice activities that make you feel good. Be kind to yourself and try to find healthy outlets for your emotions. Exercise, spend time in nature, try a new hobby, or cook - anything that helps you feel better in the moment. don't forget to rest and to check in with yourself often.

    Breakups can be difficult and the feelings of sadness and confusion they bring can be overwhelming. However, it's possible to slowly heal and find peace with it. Accepting the loss, leaning into the hard feelings, and investing in yourself is the best way to move on and create a healthy relationship with yourself.


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