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Books that changed your life


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So, I was looking through an old text file that I had up, and started reading through the quotes in it. I realized that the majority of them came from the same few books. Reading over the quotes I saw why I'd saved them - and realized exactly how much reading those books had changed my philosophy and my outlook on life. What books have you read that changed the way you saw the world? Are there any strange bedfellows on that list? Was the change in viewpoint for the better, or for the worse?


For me, the book that has probably influenced my life and world-view the most is Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. I never would have thought when picking up a science fiction book that it could drastically change my outlook on the world, but it did. In the book Heinlein uses a fantastical background to develop many ideas concerning art, religion, and sexuality. I don't claim to agree with the entirety of the book. Indeed, I think many of the opinions expressed therein are horribly biased. However, it made me stop and THINK.


So - which books influenced your development, and why?

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Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get A Life! by Larry Winget. It sounds harsh I know, and it kind of is. It's one of those self-help books, I picked it up at a friends house. It's really funny and I've actually yet to finish it, but so far what I've picked up from it is basically what the title says!

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The Duct Tape Calander by The Duct Tape Guys....did you know you can actually make a billfold out of duct tape? Or get a face lift, false teeth, rebuild a couch!!?!





Sorry, couldn't resist


Actually, the book that means the most to me now would be:


Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. by Scott Cunningham

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Measuring Eternity: The Search for the Beginning of Time, by Martin Gorst.


Back in high school, I would always turn into an emotional mess whenever I started thinking about time, eternity, and any related concept. This book helped me rationalize everything and put it in perspective (although it's by no means a self-help book...it's just lots of historical information). Once I finished it (which was a pleasure, since the book was so easy and interesting to read), I just felt so much better.

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