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mixed signals...


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my friend and i had a talk and we both told eachother that we liked eachother. but shes giving off alot of mixed signals. like there will be times when she hs like 5 min to spare during work and she would txt me and talk fo rlike 5 min or other times when she jsut txts me out of absolutly nowhere jsut to talk. or like she asked me to coem watch her sing last night. but there are also times when i dont relly know what shes thinking like when i txt ehr she doesnt txt me back. if i txt her an she doesnt txt me at all then i would understand that as shes not interested but when she txts me out of nowhere for noreason but to talk but she doesnt return my txts when i txt her i dont get what that is supposed to mean. like its weird i dont quite get it can some one help me out?

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Have you tried asking her out on a date?


There are some friends that just like you when it is convenient for them. Not a very nice thing. Look out for that. Does she ask how your day is going and/or show sincere interest in what is going on with you?


Also, does she do nice things for you just because?

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ya her and i are really good friends. ever since both of us became single we just hit it off more and more. she will ask how i am and if i seem sad ask wuts wrong and stuff liekthat. im pretty sure shes not the type of friend that like me when im convienient cus shes just not liek that.

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ya dude it sounds like if u once liked eachother she probably still does. Are there any other "guys" in the picture? Im pretty sure when she doesnt text back shes either busy or doesnt want to talk. I know what ur saying im in the same situation. or was. idk anymore. lol. The only prob is I have a good friend like this one you have and we once liked eachother and I didnt make a move so she moved on, now...she texts me and asks how work is and out of the blue pictures/texts. She asks whats wrong when I seem sad too (usually about her). But, imlike 99% sure she doesnt like me anymore or enough to mean anything because she has something with someone else now. Her loss. =]

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