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What are your favorite Bible stories?


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Hello everyone,


What are a few of your favorite stories from the Bible?


I can think of so many, but here are a couple of my favs...


My heroes are the meek, so I am naturally drawn to the story of Joseph, who inspite of being sold into slavery by wicked brothers, rose to a high status in Egypt.


Ya' just can't keep a good man down. (Especially when God is with him, eh?)


Also, I like the story of Ruth, who inspite of her troubles did the right thing (stayed with Naomi) and was diligent until God led her to providence with Boaz.


"Boaz? Why he is a cousin of mine and by the law he must..."


You guys know how that turned out.


Of course, the story of our Lord is at the top of the list, natch.


What are some of your favorites and why?


Thank you everyone in advance and God bless.



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I'm with you on Joseph. Even though he was a cocky young lad toward his brothers about his dreams, he blamed no one about his troubles in Egypt. He just stayed faithful despite the temptations.


Yes, it is interesting how his dreams as a child served to foster the story of his life.


Without those prophetic dreams, his brothers might not have resented him and Joseph might have never even seen Egypt.


(And the whole region might have perished during the seven famine years.)


Unlikely hero, eh?


Thank you for your post Kings heart, and please visit again.



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Joseph has always been my favorite Bible story. I'm also partial to Ruth, though.


Actually the entire Hebrew Bible (a.k.a. the Old Testament) is pretty spectacular.


But now that I'm taking my second theology course at school, I'm much more interested in Dinah's story, or lack thereof.


Has anyone read The Red Tent? It's a really good midrash (retelling) of Dinah's story, including a little bit of a new take on Joseph in Egypt.

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Thank you for your posts you guys, and keep em coming.


I like the story of Jonah too.


I think maybe not only did he hate the people of Nineva, but was maybe also scared of them...


He didn't trust God to protect him.


But... it plays into the story, because had he not tried to run away, the great fish would not have swallowed him, and vomit him up in front of witnesses...


They thought he was a god for that...


Yet, it wasn't enough for Jonah...


And then... at the end of the book, God considers the 120,000... and the cattle.


Thanks again folks, and God bless you all!



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Ruth is my favourite story by far. I read it over and over. Her loyalty and faithfulness is inspiring and it all came good in the end. God has promised me a wonderful future through a scripture in the book of Ruth,


Yes, I get that from the book of Ruth also Bookworm.


Also, I like how they list some of the lineage in the end.


Boaz to Obed, Obed to Jesse and Jesse to king David. (to Solomon, to Jesus. )


So, I guess Ruth is Jesus' great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother maybe.


Thanks for your post and please come again.


Oh I don't know Little Lady, alot of folks check out Revelations and it is pretty spooky.


I think some of the strangest things are near the end of the book, where this John, describes "New Jerusalem". A cube city which is made of transparent gold and is 1500 miles on a side.


On a scale like that, it would look like a child"s building block on top of a basketball sized Earth.


The seas will be wiped away, and will be no more.


It is just such a cryptic book, and so difficult to pin down as to specific events.


I don't think it was a book meant for man to understand necesarilly.


Thanks for your posts Bookworm and Little Lady.


And thank you and God bless you everyone.



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I looooove Noahs story and I am always thinking (and have written a few stories) about the next arc (which will be a spaceship of course) haha. I even know the best sunday school song for noahs story, it basically explains everything! Actually all my memories of the bible stories are in sunday school songs. I was looking up the Noahs arc song and found this page


link removed


ah. memories of the church bus and sunday school dresses ! Fun times.

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Hi Sir Spugly,


I saw a documentary that pointed out that the Samaratins were despised by the Israelites, and that the parable was seen as most radical and disturbing.


But, so many things that are appropriate and right for the times are disturbing to hear also.


Thanks for your post Spugly.



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Yes there where, the story is really about how Crist was trying to change they way isralis thught, illness and bad luck ment you where un clean and so as each walks past the helpless man each see him self in the right for doing nothing as its gods will, even the ribi, but the sumaritan do not thing gods will is being done, he helps the hapless traviler becouse its the right thing to do.


This at the time was radical stuff.


we have forgotten the meaning in full so it seems a nice story but it was political dinomight.

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I bet he was a big disappointment to them.


They wanted another King David to smite their enemies with a sword of fire, and to to this day wait for him.


I am just a bit puzzled why the Jewish people do not wish for another Solomon.


Perhaps because the Bible says there never was nor would be a king as great as Solomon.


(Any mortal king anyway.)


Thanks for your post Spugly.



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Nice thread Jeff.


Job. This man is a true hero.




Yes, I like the story too, and Job is a difficult book to understand.


One of the few places in which the devil is reffered to.


Also, it is hard when his friends, Eliphaz, Bilbad, and Zophar abandon him.


Sometimes, even the rightious suffer, that is what the story says to me.


Thanks for your post, and God bless.



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I really like the story of Jacobs latter with the angels comeing down and up to protect him. I also like how Jacob struggles with G-d/the angel. I like to think about if he is physically wresteling or mentally.

i also like the story of Dinah, we had a mock trial about it at school, weather or not it was rape and if the brothers actions in killing the people of Schem was justified.

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I just like the Jesus parts of the Bible. (the New Testament). The other stories didnt do much for me as a child or even now really but... I dont really live my life from the bible so that could be why. There's something corny, unbelievable and strange about some of them. And God comes off as so vengeful. My "bible" is now link removed by Neale Donald Walsh. It works better for me. And I guess link removedby Neale Donald Walsh would be my new testament.


Here's something though about Jesus that did affect me, that I never really thought about before:


"One of the things Jesus did was to step aside from the organized religion of his time because it had become corrupt and bogged down with rules. Rules became more important than feeding the hungry."

Corita Kent



but uh this is mainly what I agree with:


"God has no religion"- Gandi

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I really like the story of Jacobs latter with the angels comeing down and up to protect him. I also like how Jacob struggles with G-d/the angel. I like to think about if he is physically wresteling or mentally.

i also like the story of Dinah, we had a mock trial about it at school, weather or not it was rape and if the brothers actions in killing the people of Schem was justified.


That story about Jacob and fighting the angel has always stuck with me. I'm still not sure what it means but I think back to it yearly even though I dont regularly read the Bible.

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Hi Blue angel,


You are right, there are so many stories that are just uncanny to us.


The part where they wrestle the angels is hard to grasp at first.


The thing it has taken me long to understand is that we must simply put ourselves in God's hands, and not try to second guess.


I have gotten myself into trouble (more than once) by not trusting God.


But, wait a second... If not for that doubt, I would not be the person I am now...


So I guess everything is right on track.

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Oh I've been trying to put myself in God's hands for a long time now. It's a struggle to feel His touch. Maybe because...we're all making it up, every one of us?


To me, no story truly captures what life is and means, even if it's about the creator of life itself...going back to ancient times. It's something the individual chooses for himself, callaborating with others. But I'll be lying down suffering and asking for change, for me to be who I want to be and the only thing that happens is I just continue to suffer. Nothing on the outside is going to change or beautify reality for us. Not a separate diety, nothing.


Yet a desire has been placed in me to reach one. Maybe what the Bible does is brainwash us into lives of fear and full of waiting for God. For an invisible force we must work to connect with. That notion is outdated to me. I don't know what to believe about God. Except the one I've been praying to certainly doesn't sweep in and fix what's damaged. More or less, He seems to just be hanging out.

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Hi Blueangel,


Well, this thread was not meant to be a discussion of philosophy or theologies as much as a discussion about the Bible itself...


More specifically, your favorite Bible story...


I'm sorry if my last post steered it the wrong way.





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Ruth is my favourite story by far. I read it over and over. Her loyalty and faithfulness is inspiring and it all came good in the end. God has promised me a wonderful future through a scripture in the book of Ruth,


I also think Ruth is my favorite story.... the movie was very, very GOOD as well!!!

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