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What are your favorite Bible stories?


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omg!!! i like the one with i think its in genesis where they sell his brother. i forgot ther names. and also the one with jonas that he gets into a big fish. its very interesting.


also the one with noahs ark is good lol.


That is the story of Joseph, omayra. (Not the husband of Mary of course.)


His brothers were jealous of him, threw him down a well, and then sold him into slavery.


Genesis 37:28


So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels [a] of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt.


He ended up going from slavery and prison in Egypt, to a high governer.


He saved the region when he interpreted a troubling dream Pharo had, that foretold of seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine.


So, Pharo stored enough grain to bide them the seven hard years...


It is a great story of courage in time of adversity, prophesy, and overcoming dreadful circumstances.


When God is with ya'.


Thanks omayra



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This is more of a character than a story, but I like Barnabas. He is known as the great friend or "son of encouragement" St Paul had a aide named Mark who decided he wanted to quit helping. We don't know why he quit but we know Paul was very frustrated and angry with Mark. Later Mark got to the point where he wanted to rejoin Paul...so Paul essentially said "No way! I don't want a quitter on my team, blah, blah, blah"

Barnabas defended Mark and even split with Paul over the affair. Down the road Paul admitted that Mark was pretty cool. Mark's buddy, Barnabas knew it the whole time. He saw Mark's potential.


We all need a Barnabas in our life AND we can all be a Barnabas to others because everybody fails at something along the way. Some of us REALLY fail. People love winners not quitters. To love a "loser" goes against society and sometimes common-sense. Actually it probably even goes against the Judeo-Christian ethic as it is understood and practiced in America.


....so this is why I love the story of Barnabas-he knew how to be a real friend.

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That is the story of Joseph, omayra. (Not the husband of Mary of course.)


His brothers were jealous of him, threw him down a well, and then sold him into slavery.


Genesis 37:28


So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels [a] of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt.


He ended up going from slavery and prison in Egypt, to a high governer.


He saved the region when he interpreted a troubling dream Pharo had, that foretold of seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine.


So, Pharo stored enough grain to bide them the seven hard years...


It is a great story of courage in time of adversity, prophesy, and overcoming dreadful circumstances.


When God is with ya'.


Thanks omayra





Yeah, i read that story it is really nice.


I just thought of another one with samuel that when is mother ppresented him to the lord and he grew up serving the lord. He was a blessed son or whatnot. I was reading that stroy the other day. It is a real nice one.


ok ur welcome bye

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Yeah, i read that story it is really nice.


I just thought of another one with samuel that when is mother ppresented him to the lord and he grew up serving the lord. He was a blessed son or whatnot. I was reading that stroy the other day. It is a real nice one.


ok ur welcome bye


Yeah, that's in first and second Samuel, some of my favorite books for sure.


There is the story of David, and all the trouble he had with Saul etc.


It was David's harp that put him in Saul's court at first.


After he slew Goliath, Saul made him his armour bearer.


Later, he became a captain and drew Saul's jelousy and wrath.


But God was with David, so nothing could stop his ascent to the throne.


Thanks and God bless Omayra.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like the story where Jesus heals the blind man and the Pharisees' are trying to prove he is a sinner because he healed on the Sabbath, and the man replied "I dont know if this man is a sinner but I know this; I was blind but now I see"


Yes Brittney I like that and so many others, like how Jesus spat into mud and made an ointment of sorts.


The man they let in through the roof, who picked up his litter and walked out.


The New Testament is very rich, especially when we consider the four books of the Gospel.


Thank you.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Ruth by far is my favorite. I can say next would be Joeseph. I feel it is a women's thing when it comes to Ruth also. It really speaks to our spirits.


love peace and prosperity


I like the book of Ruth also, one of my favorites of the OT.


It is a great story of hope, diligence and providence and doing the right thing even though it might not be the easiest.


So many times people will take the easiest way, but not the best way or most rightous.


Ruth was a hero in her own right.


Thanks Lovemy2girlz.



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