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man what a situation...


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ok so one of my best friends sarah broke up with one of my friends jake about 4 weeks ago. well ive always kind of had a thing for sarah but never did anything about it cause well she was going out with my friend. but when they broke up, we started to spend more and more time together because her friends didn't like her decision of breaking up with jake. and i told her that she shouldnt listen to waht they say because theres nothing worse in a relationship when you dont like the other person but she should also re think her decision abotu the break up one last time. so when she broke up with him she ended up turning to me more and more as well. well liek i said befpre its been about 4 weeks but the thing is that i was drunk one night and told her that i liekd her. the next day when we were both sober she asked me if i meant it and i told her that i did and she said that she likes me a little too. so i want to start getting closer to her and all but i also know that jake is still likes sarah quite a bit. waht should i do?should i just forget about sarah??i dont want jake to feel betrayed by me

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Since this girl technically broke up up with your friend and isn't seeing him anymore ,I don't think you are in the wrong by pursuing her.Those kind of things happen.You might want to wait a while to let your friend know that you are seeing his ex[in case it doesn't get off the ground]but if he can't handle it ,that is his problem.

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What you have to realize is that it doesn't matter what jake's emotions are. You like her she likes you and they are broke up, that is all that matters.


I would say watch out that you aren't the rebound, but I dont htink 2 1/2 months is long enough to have to worry about being a rebound. Have fun and hopefully it'll work out for ya'll.

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i never step on a friend's toes like that. unless he said it was cool. to me, it would feel like my friend was waiting in the shallows for you to break up and then can make a move. i just think it is disrespectful. plus, the chick can tell you things about your friend that you might not want to know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
he says hes ok now but i tihnk thats because he thinks that she is not going to go out with anyone for a while. its been about 6 weeks now would you say that is sufficient time that hes been given to somewaht get over her?


if he says he is okay with it, why not. who cares if he is ready or not. he said.

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