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Hello everyone this is the first time i have posted one of these since i made my profile a whole 5 mins ago now lol so don't get madd if i stuff up in places.


Well i am writing this because i need some people opinions on what i should do with this guy that i like.


His name is Steve* and i have liked him since we were in high school together but then he laft half way through it. We went really close in school or anything and we next to never spoke. Then he started coming into my work place and i used to strike up a convo with him and he didn't seem that interested.


2 years on and i found out his mobile number after he had came out of the closet to everyone and i started txting him and getting to know him a bit better and then out of the blue one day he jsut rang me and we got on likea house on fire.


I have only ever had one boy frined before so im not really sure of what to do in a guy on guy relation ship. He was the first person i have ever been on a date with and the whole night he was full of compliments and it made me feel so good, but then we got back home after the date and we were talking on MSN and he was completely different. I asked if everything was ok and he said yea dont worry so i said ok. I then asked him if had fun and he then said yea i did but it was just a movie and then nothing. I was like well if i knew you didnt have to be home before i certain time i would have taken you out to the beach or something. He said well i didnt have to be home at a certain time. I just changed the subject.


Steve* and i got along so well but then we also had fights every few hours about stupid things. I know that some of them may have been because of me but the majority of them were him and i get the feeling that its because he is only 15 and i am 17 and he is still only a little boy i feel he has no idea what he wants in a relationship yet.


Me and him had a massive argument about a month ago because i found out he had been flirting with my ex behind my back and he was well aware that he was my ex. He then denyed it so i told him to go away very nicely. The following week i received a txt message from him saying haha me and Tom* are going out are you jealous of me? I never wrote back for the main reason that i wasn't upset or pissed of he just pushed me to the point where i didn't care anymore.


SO now the question. He sent me a message last night asking me to forgive him and that he is sorry for hurting me and stuff like that and that he was never dating Tom* it was just a lie to make me jealous. I rang him tonight to sort it all out but he just hung up on me. I am very confused and have no idea what to do about this. I fell in love with him and then he jsut hurt me 4 times in total. Should i give him another chance or is he a no-hoper?


* names have been changed for security reasons

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I agree with HeartSong. This guy does NOT deserve another chance. What he did to you was wrong, and there is no excuse. He is aloof, and seems to be a game player. Not to mention, he wants your forgiveness and then hangs up on you? You admit yourself you two argued quite often, and even if it was your fault or not...it's not healthy in any relationship. He is young, but regardless don't waste your time with someone who is old enough to know better.

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umm nah i dont see him that often...he moved like 20 mins away so he doesnt come into my work place anymore.


I know he doesn't deserve another change and i do deserve better but still deep down i can't get him out of my head.

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That's normal, because you are trying too hard to get him out of your head or to not love him.

You should meet with your friends, party or whatever. Everything that catches your attention and settles it on different things.

It's not the first time someone broke your heart, try to remember what you did, to get that Ex of yours out of your head.

Good luck!

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It is going to be hard, but every time he enters your head remind yourself of what a creep he was. Everyone has a nice side and he obviously does, but don't let that sway you from thinking you did something wrong. Like Heartsong mentioned, meet up with friends etc. and keep yourself busy.

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Well i took your adivice and went to a party last night and bloody hell it was fun lol. I played 4 kings and i was so smashed lol. It was a wickind night.



I met this really hot guy and yea me and him hit it off pretty good and he is 19 so thats pretty awesome. I got hurt last night tho lol i was jumping on the trampoline and i was drunk and i fell off and hit my head on the metal bar lol so yea i had a bruise.

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lol yea he added me on myspace today its going pretty good and now im talking to another gay guy who like lives 2 mins away from me like in the street over from mine and i didnt even know he lived there so yea me and him are hitting it off now



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