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Does she like me?


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So I've been hanging out with this girl for a few days. I met her through some friends at her house. Well, we talked a little bit there (very little). I just caught her name. The next day we went swimming. Kind of like a group thing. Didn't talk too much. Normal chitchat. Well, this was when I really started to like her. The next day I texted her (got the number from a friend) and asked if she wanted to go to a bonfire with us (another group thing). Well at this bonfire, I'm pretty sure she was flirting with me. We talked a little more. We made a bet with each other that I wouldn't do something crazy like jump through the huge bonfire. Well, it was obvious (or so I hope) that this was an open ended/flirtatious bet, so I jumped through it. Burned my legs a little. Well, we never got around to settling the deal. We also went rock climbing and I grabbed her hand to "help her". Today I saw her at a church thing and I was in the hallway talking on my cell and she walked by. She didn't even say anything or smile. I figure it's because I was on the phone. Today I ran into her at someones house. We flirted a little (hard to tell again). I told her part of my bet was to let me give her a ride on my motorcycle (shes never been) and I'll tell her the rest after the ride. I plan on asking her out on a date then. Am I reading the signals wrong? I'm getting mixed ones. Does she like me? Or am I fabricating something out of thin air?

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If this was a few years ago, Id tell you YES SHE LIKES YOU FOR SURE! But I'm 23 years old now and I have somewhat of an understanding on this species we call 'women'.


Does she like you? It's very hard to say, but she definitley has 'noticed' you. The problem is with inexperienced guys they will close the deal and like a girl before she feels the same way and mess things up. My best advice to you is don't torment yourself about 'DOES SHE LIKE ME?' Just keep things simple, and ask her out and get this thing off your back before you put it on a pedestal.


I used to feel the same way, I'd notice a girl that noticed me and I'd start liking her, and feel really good. So I'd ask people,' Hey remember that girl? Today she called me and this n that' and honestly there have been girls that have practically spelled out I LIKE YOU ASK ME OUT!! and I've asked them out only to find out they had boyfriends and were only being flirty. I'm talking about FOR SURE 110% shoe in signs like a trainer I had a bit of a flame for asked me If Im single and whats taking me so long to ask her out ( turns out she had a bf), a girl who would check me out everyday at class and asked to be my partner for an experiment even though I hardly knew her and told me she LOOOVES my cologne and found out she just broke up with her bf and it was too soon.


I have even had a situation where I really liked a girl, asked her out and she said yea. Went out on a few dates with her and felt like it was too good to be true only to find out she has a kid and has alot of baggage I didn't wanna deal with at that point.


Moral of the story? ASK HER OUT! Find out what you need and go for it. I know it's hard for your ego, but ego is a killer. The more broken it is the better.


Ultimately, as you get older you will continue to like a girl from time to time, but it will mean something different to you. You will no longer wonder if she likes you but rather just go for it and find out and start from there. It's a great feeling though, enjoy it while you can.

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The motorcycle stunt is quite daring, and quite creative. If all is as you describe, it does seem like you're reading things correctly. However, it is always nice to do a little "investigating" before you jump the gun. You might try asking some friends who know her, or dropping your own little "hints" by flirting with her and seeing is she flirts back. Since you're only going to ask her on a date, you should most likely get a positive response. You'll also want to make sure she's single before you ask her anything (however, I suspect she probably is from the way you're describing things).


You're definitely not imagining things. But I have to be honest here: sometimes girls will act like they're flirting but are not intending to. I doubt that's the case here, but play it safe nonetheless.


I hope that was somewhat helpful. Let me know how things go.


- The Wandering Philosopher

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Dude, you swim, you rock climb, you jump through fire, you ride a motorcycle, and you go to the same church. You've chatted her up and received some sign of reciprocation. What is the problem here?


And some women I know would consider a day rock climbing or a motorcycle ride as a date! You've technically already "gone out" with her!


There's no problem here. You're letting doubt get the better of you. Sounds like everything is going well as it is and a step up to something more romantic is a natural progression of this. Either you enjoy the excitement of this chase and don't want it to end and/or are fearing rejection.


No worries bro. What makes you think she would reject you? The phone thing? Don't worry about that and don't worry about rejection. If she does reject you, the sting will last a day at the most. And then you'll be emotionally free to go have fun with another woman...

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Nice replies! Yeah, I do tend to think too much. The rock climbing is a definite! The fire was a little over the top, but I can't let a hot woman get the better of me The swimming was more like floating down the canal on a tube (we live in a small farming town). Yes, I suppose I do like the thrill of the chase. I'm an adrenaline junkie.


Well, I will talk to some of her friends to see how she feels. Probably will wait a couple days for the motorcycle ride. I was hoping friscodj would chime in.... Gonna take her out on the R6. Small passenger seat = passenger has to lean in to you. Anyway, thanks for all the good advice. I'll just see how it goes. I'll post her answer in a couple days. I was thinking of ice skating as a good first date. Not too much time for chit chat and plenty of time to offer some slipping assistance with the hands.. if you know what I mean! Thanks.

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Probably will wait a couple days for the motorcycle ride. I was hoping friscodj would chime in.... Gonna take her out on the R6. Small passenger seat = passenger has to lean in to you.




What year is your R6? I have an '01. Nice bike!


You're right though, if you both can fit on the rider's seat, that would be great! Take her somewhere with some corners and where you can go a little fast. Not dangerous, but let her feel the acceleration and tell her to "hold on!" Aside from the basics of making sure she has a helmet (hopefully yourself as well), long pants, the riding basics, don't go too fast and/or be reckless.


Also, fill up an iPod with some of her favorite music for the ride. She won't be able to hear what you say anyway and some favorite music will really punctuate the riding experience.


I really think you are worrying about nothing here. Your seem to be doing good. Your plans sound fine and I really see no problem here.

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Hello Paradigm. I have read your posts and all I can say is that you are doing fairly well with this lady. You two have already done things together, such as swimming, hanging at a bonfire, rock climbing, etc. I know I'm no expert, but by the looks of what you posted, you have a fairly good chance. Good luck in the future with her. I'll bet you'll do quite fine.

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I might tweak the fairing and the exhaust, but I plan on leaving it as is!


Unless you have the R6 "S" model, I'd leave the stock pipe on there! The short pipe rocks...


But maybe think about dumping that stupid rear fender. A nice integrated taillight kit and new plate mount would make the rear end of that bike look really nice. Flush-mount turn signals are always a good choice too. Maybe a tinted windscreen?


At any rate, you have more worries about the cosmetic mods to your bike than you do about your situation with this woman. You really have nothing to worry about here...

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Hmm...I like the motorcycle idea, just as long as shes not too scared to ride it. The fire thing wasn't that smart in my opinion (I'm not too impresed with stuff like that and I don't know if she would be). You might have a chance with her though. I'm a weird girl and go after the guys but most the time girls want guys to do the persuing, which means you should. Of course, there is always the possiblity of rejection but how could it hurt to at least try. I say go for it, you have a very good chance.

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Unless you have the R6 "S" model, I'd leave the stock pipe on there! The short pipe rocks...


But maybe think about dumping that stupid rear fender. A nice integrated taillight kit and new plate mount would make the rear end of that bike look really nice. Flush-mount turn signals are always a good choice too. Maybe a tinted windscreen?


At any rate, you have more worries about the cosmetic mods to your bike than you do about your situation with this woman. You really have nothing to worry about here...


Hmm...I like the motorcycle idea, just as long as shes not too scared to ride it. The fire thing wasn't that smart in my opinion (I'm not too impresed with stuff like that and I don't know if she would be). You might have a chance with her though. I'm a weird girl and go after the guys but most the time girls want guys to do the persuing, which means you should. Of course, there is always the possiblity of rejection but how could it hurt to at least try. I say go for it, you have a very good chance.


does this apply to 'Does she like me?'

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