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Issues with being apart, is anyone else this oversensitive!?


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Well I've been seeing my boyfriend for a year and we are perfect for eachother, everything is great but lately I've been feeling really hypersensitive and don't know how to deal with it. Up until a week ago we lived 150 miles apart and saw eachother most weekends, which I was ok with although understandably it was upsetting sometimes when we didn't see eachother for a couple of weeks.


However, now he lives literally 5 mins from me and has just moved into his new flat with his friend (we want to move in together when my lease is up). So (I'm getting to the point honest!) tonight they are having drinks in the house just him and his friend, but when I saw his friend's girlfriend she said she was going out and going to the flat later on. This annoyed and upset me (didn't tell my him this tho), as I'm not going round, and feel that his friend is kinda calling the shots cos if his girlfriend wasn't going out he would be spending his time with her. My man even said I could go round if I wanted to but I wouldn't do that as don't want to be in the way of him and his friend, so I'm going out with mates instead.


It's just weird cos my boyfriend and I have practically lived together for the past week while he's been looking for a flat, and I feel kind of lost without him. You are probably thinking I sound like a really clingy person but I'm not at all and I hate feeling annoyed and upset with him as he's done nothing wrong!


I guess what I'm saying is I realise the way I feel is totally unreasonable and illogical, I just wish I didn't feel like this and worried I must have serious self esteem issues! Has anyone else experienced the same kind of thing and managed to overcome it?!

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I think it's all about the adjusting to having a "normal" relationship instead of a long distance one. When you're in a LDR, you're used to your SO spending time with his friends while you're out with yours because you don't have a choice. When you're so close after being apart, it can seem weird. But think of it this way, relationships do SO much better when you have your own lives. He invited you over, so it's not like he's trying to get rid of you. It's OK to have your own nights out. It's good for you guys. You don't want to get so wrapped up in each other that you don't have a life anymore. So go out, enjoy your friends, and know you'll have plenty of great times together.

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