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When do you think is it justified in taking one's own life?


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I would believe if one does not fit within society, such as a defect or one with nothing to lose, then they are justified in taking their own life. It is their life, and so it is their choice to decide upon.


Why must I think these thoughts? My day was pleasant until I was out job hunting. When the moment came, the failure was laid out.


I stopped by the mall and saw that a store was hiring. So I asked for an application from the manager, and all she did was give me the application and told me to complete it. A few moments later, a girl walked in and asked for an application, and the manager started asking her about her former work experience. You could tell she was going to get hired.


After that, a female employee told the manager she had two male friends that wanted to work there. The manager replied that they needed to hire males. She said one of them was tall and skinny and he has a girlfriend. There it hit me. Something was wrong with me, and my insides started to shrink. My face started to shrink. I felt small and empty. I handed in my application and told the lady thanks.


My height of 5'2 is the body I have. I will live with it for the rest of my life, and I will continue to feel small. I do things to take my mind off it, but the outside will always remind me of it. People's expectations, especially that of girls', of what proper height is will always remind me of it. Reflections of myself will always remind me of it. There are some whom I've come to respect, but only later, I would lose that respect when they would tell me the truth about myself. I am little. I am "Little man".

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scuse me... I have read many places that the shorter guys are ALWAYS better in bed. I put it to the test...and it is absolutely TRUE. Please don't feel bad. Height is not everything. Maybe the girl was just a little more outgoing or was a little more social because of age...


That doesn't mean you're a defect of society! C'mon!

It means you could read some books on the subject (maybe how to be a people magnet?)


Why not find a girl who's 5 ft?


That means you'd have around the same height difference as most people who are taller.

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I really dont think any one here will give you an asewer to that one, its come up befor and to be honest Youthanasia for thats what your talking about is just another way of saying kill ya self and we dont do that here, there are better web sites out there for thows who are in grate Phyical pains and at the end of there life throw illness, There are no other sites one should be looking at as there is always hope.

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I think the shorter the guy the sexier..

I honesty think shorter guys are more attractive..I am 5'2'' too! =]

don't feel down about it there are tons of girls who think the same way i do TRUST ME!


I have never dated a guy over the height of 5'9''


And there are plenty probably more important jobs that look more in depth then your height say thigns like...YOUR EXPIRENCES AND knowledge. try looking more towards that.

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Good gawd. Stephen Hawking has ALS (Lou Gerig's disease) which has left him unable to speak, is twisted and disfigured, and is wheelchair bound until he dies. He is a world-renouned scientist, best-selling author and has had more than one marriage. Much of which he did after contracting the disease. You're taller than Stephen Hawking.


Many of the world's best selling authors didn't fit in so well with society. Some of them were just plain freaks, yet they touched the world with their work.


My former brother-in-law is 5'3. He is a commissioned officer on the career track in the US Air Force and has a nice swimming pool in his back yard.


You'll do/be what you want to do/be regardless of your stature.


If you decide to kill yourself, first spend some time considering what that will do to people who love you. I presume you have parents, no? Suicide is right up there with murder on the selfish scale. good gawd

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In my opinion if you aren't male and my height, you shouldn't even share your opinion of how I feel or the constant cycling I must shift through because you do not know what it is truly like. One day I'm full of energy, I'm Superman, here I come world, I will dance here and there and bounce all over the place, and then reality hits me. I'm not Superman, I'm some fool in a little body who is only trying to act like Superman.

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Wolverine is 5' 3". (Officially and originally that is, none of that crappy new hugh jackman wolverine drivvle.)

Napoleon was 5' 4".

And apparently Alexander the Great would not have been allowed on the rollercoasters too.


You have to learn to feel good about yourself and your height.


I got a lot happier about what other people think of me when I realised most people don't think

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Wolverine is 5' 3". (Officially and originally that is, none of that crappy new hugh jackman wolverine drivvle.)

Napoleon was 5' 4".

And apparently Alexander the Great would not have been allowed on the rollercoasters too.


You have to learn to feel good about yourself and your height.


I got a lot happier about what other people think of me when I realised most people don't think


You ma'am, are a female.

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I know a guy who is ugly, obnoxious and only 5'1" who has a pretty attractive girlfriend. They've been together for almost a year and are currently living together. They're very happy. She's a little taller than him, but he doesn't seem to mind.


If there is hope for that guy (who is a pain in the sass) then there is hope for you as well.

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You ma'am, are a female.


And you think that makes it easier to be short?


And please don't assume that because my chromosomes are symmetrical that that's how I like it.


I learnt to deal with my height. And breasts and periods and the fact that everyday I have people trying to restrict me because I'm female.


You get over it, or you get stuck on it. And if you get stuck on it, others will too.

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First, in answer to your question about suicide, I'd say there aren't really too many good reasons -- if any -- to take one's own life. Having never been suicidal myself (though I have felt quite hopeless at times and been pretty substantially depressed at a few periods in my life), I guess I have a hard time seeing life as not worth living. I have, however, thought about whether or not there was anything that might drive me to kill myself, and I came up with only one thing: If I was diagnosed with a terminal illness that I knew would result in long and painful suffering for both me and my loved ones, but even then I'm not entirely sure. I wouldn't know unless I was actually in that situation, and I hope and pray that I never am. Otherwise, I can't think of anything that would make me want to take my own life -- ever.


In response to the discussion about your attitude, etc. -- this is obviously a sensitive subject for you, and I'm not sure I have any advice you want to hear. I agree that your height MAY be a factor that hinders your ability to achieve certain goals in your life, but only indirectly. What I mean is that it's not the fact that you're a 5'2" male that is holding you back, but how you FEEL about being a 5'2" male. I am a college professor, and I see all sorts of students in my classes -- students with pretty severe physical and/or learning disabilities, for example, who not only have boyfriends/girlfriends or husbands/wives, but who also have good jobs and a lot of friends and, most importantly...a positive attitude that they will succeed.


One student in particular stands out. He's in his 20's, very smart, a great person -- with a really severe learning disability that makes writing (I'm an English teacher) extremely difficult for him. On top of that, he has a really pronounced stutter, so it often takes him a long time to get out a simple sentence. While he has failed some classes (including one of mine, which he took a second time and passed), he has put in a tremendous amount of effort, and finally managed to pass all of the English classes he needed to get his A.A. degree. Plus, he was the student body President (stutter and all), and was awarded SIX scholarships at our awards ceremony last year,which will help him tremendously when he transfers to university. I have no doubt that he will be extremely successful -- he has an unfailing "can-do" attitude, and nothing -- not even repeated failures -- has kept him down.


I guess what I'm saying, emit, is this: Yes, being a shorter male is probably a challenge in our society, for a lot of reasons. But, is there any way that you can make that challenge a positive one? Can you think of ways that you can take that challenge and use it to motivate you to be successful? That's something that counseling can do for you -- and before you get offended that I'm suggesting counseling -- I have myself recently started counseling (at age 36), and I keep shaking my head and saying "Why didn't I do this sooner?" I realized I had so many negative messages in my head that I was playing over and over again like a tape on an endless loop, and counseling really, really has helped me to get to the bottom of WHY I kept telling myself all of these negative things and it is currently helping me work on telling myself different, more POSITIVE things about myself.


I hope you will consider what everyone has said here and realize that people's advice is not meant to attack you, but to help you to realize that you have a choice: You can either just lay down and give up and die, or you can do something else. What are you going to do?

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i'm sure there are a lot of people who are prejudiced against stuff, and that may include potential employers too. whether people like to admit it or not, we don't live in a "running-through-daisies" society and there is a lot of prejudice in this world, and pretending there isn't, will only make you less able to stand up for yourself. people who believe there is no prejudice are either delusional or have never experienced it. we need to face it and deal with it. i'm sure God has a reason for every obstacle that we go through and all i can say is that these challenges will make you stronger within.


but i don't agree with taking your life in this situation. look beneath you and you will see there are people who are much worse off. my dad is from a country so impoverished there are people who have often times have one arm (without a hand) and no legs and no wheelchair. they sit in big open markets and move around with their torso and have a little pan they collect money in, and give a portion of that to people who take care of them (give them food, and maybe a crap*y shelter.)

and example closer to home would be this guy at the university i just graduated from; he was much shorter than 5'2", maybe 2 to 3 feet tall. he was always strong and had tons of friends. i admired him for the courage he must have. his life was actually better than you not worse. know why? cause even though he was a few feet shorter than you, he had confidence and it showed. he enjoyed life and is happy to be alive.


chin up and hon, you are entitled to feel what you feel.

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I think the shorter the guy the sexier..

I honesty think shorter guys are more attractive..I am 5'2'' too! =]

don't feel down about it there are tons of girls who think the same way i do TRUST ME!


I have never dated a guy over the height of 5'9''


And there are plenty probably more important jobs that look more in depth then your height say thigns like...YOUR EXPIRENCES AND knowledge. try looking more towards that.


Aw, too bad we wouldn't work out then. I'm pretty tall! I like the shorter girls for some reason too.


OP: There are a lot of things people of smaller stature can do that taller people are simply not built for. Gymnastics, for instance. Napoleon had the prototypical height, he just needed to lay off the Merlot a bit.


How about a jockey?


I'll bet you also sleep a lot better on a couch than I do. You're probably way more comfortable on an airplane or bus or train or car.

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Answer: when your uninsured car (only liability insurance) gets stolen right after your spend all your savings buying and repairing it, and you already hate everyday of your life and wish you were dead before it happened. Also, the car gets stolen the week before your final exams for 5 classes that cost 1500 each in student loans. Also, you're alone, and the car gets stolen as you make preparations for finding a job. Two weeks before car is stolen, your computer hard drive fails and you lose all your school work, music, family pictures, etc. Your law school has also dropped 150 points in the ranking system so you won't get hired even if you graduated.


I hate the city of Detroit with a passion. I don't think anyone should live here and if they do, they should move away before their things get stolen too.


For anyone who has any doubts, there is no God, and even if there is, I hate him too. My family has suffered through financial hardship as far back as I can remember. I'm tired of all of it. The only small bits of contentment and accomplishment in my life have existed solely so they can be taken away, hopes so they can be crushed, needs and desires so they can denied.


The word life has become an oxymoron


Fall in love -> girl tells you you are overweight and she only likes you as a friend -> Severe Health Problems that require hospitalization-> Thrown out of dormatory in the middle of the night for telling counselor you are depressed over health problems during last years final exams -> school brings diciplinary charges against you because you told counselor you are suicidial -> get Cs on all your exams -> lose all your friends -> lose 60 pounds because world compels you to hate yourself -> work 50+ hours a week in factory -> geo metro explodes -> buy another car -> car gets stolen -> abuse larger and larger doses of sleeping medication everyday -> wake up each morning with these memories knowing that something worse will probably happen today.


And, after all this, and worse then any of it, people say things could be worse in attempting to make you feel better

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Nope sorry, none of those reasons are good enough.


NOW if that had happened and THEN you were dying of a terminal illness which was causing you such intense suffering of which not even the highest dose morphine helped, and where you had reached the end of life but were just hanging on by a thread, where the suffering got so bad that it left you too weak to cry out to that God that you don't even believe exists to end your suffering, where you prayed with every last breath that it was indeed your last breath, where your family were at your bedside begging that same God on your behalf because they no longer could bear to see your suffering in that way .... THEN and only then I might have agreed with you.

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To answer the question literally, and perhaps controversially, there are actually two answers depending on who gets to decide on justification. If it's the rest of the world, then the answer is "never". If it's the suicidal person, then the answer is "always". To blame someone for suicide, or to tell them posthumously that they were wrong, is to miss the point: suicide is the act of 100% loss of hope, the default choice that kicks in when ALL other choices have been removed. I've been pretty miserable and desperate at times in my life, but I cannot imagine what such a total loss of hope must feel like, to drive someone to actually end their own existence, and I doubt anyone can other than those who were driven to the act, and who aren't here to tell us about it.


For me, no matter how desperate the situation, I think there will always be hope, always a way to fight on, a way to make things happen, to find a solution. Some things, including unchangeable physical characteristics, are difficult to deal with, but they are not automatic vetoes on a happy life, they simply mean that you may have to work harder to achieve the sort of happiness that you want.

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