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just a question for the people that have gotten back together.


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Hi There,


I got back together with my boyfriend in 2005, following a breakup that lasted a few months. We broke up in Nov of 04 and began dating again about 6 weeks later- and became 'official' again in March of 2005. We are still together and the relationship is better than ever- I honestly believe that the breakup, although difficult and painful, was one of the best things that could have happened to us... it improved communication and a feeling of truly being partners and a team together. We've now been together for 4.5 years and going strong.


What makes you ask?

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My bf and I broke up twice in the beginning stages of our relationship. Most people would've given up by break up number two, but both times he came back to me within 2 weeks. We have now been together three years, and still going strong But beware, getting back together is not easy, you MUST sort out the problems that caused you to break up in the first place, or else they just keep coming back to bite you in the but.

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well me and my gf broke up in febuary and i still liek her but i havent told her so she just probably thinks i do. but lately we have been getting to be very veryy good friends and i am really starting to fall for her again but i just dont know waht to do cause she says she jsut grew apart so id ont think theres a chance of gettin back but i was still wondering about you guys

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wll our problem was that she grew apart...she said that ive been nothing but good to her and we had really good times together...and that we loved eachother but after about 11 months she just grew apart...and i kind of feel liek a girl saying this but i really did believe taht she loved me but do people in love really just fall out of love for no reall reason?cause i still have strong feelings for it just nobody knows but she got over me so quickly

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how many of you guys has broken up with someone then gotten back togheter?if soo how long was the tme period in between?and when you got back together how was the relationship?



Well, we started talking again a few weeks later. He wanted to get back together, I didn't. I kept saying how everything will be the same and we will break up again. He said that it won't be like that. I told him to prove it to me. He was doing it for 2.5 months. That's when I believed him. We've been together for 7 months and we're awesome!

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if she said that she felt she was growing apart, I'm sorry, but that probably doesn't bode well for rekindling a romance. You might just try to enjoy the friendship if you can deal with her possibly meeting someone else and starting to date that person.

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