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Update!! from "I slept with my best friend on accident...now what??"


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heres the link to my tale if you missed it or wanna check it out...




well...my girlfriend and I have been talking a lot over the last couple days and she kept pushing me into a situation were she wanted me to tell her exactly how I felt and what I thought about her and I...and so I did it...and we broke up...


It was quite a miserable experience. I feel so sorry for that girl, because she really is sweet and has a good heart. I was honest with her with the reasons we broke up, but I didn't tell her about sleeping with Jamie. I did not see a point to it, because she really had nothing to do with why it ended. I really hope that she can understand that this is for the best, I'm pretty sure she knows that I never meant to hurt her...its just the unfairness of life. Chemistry between people can just die, and its better to end it now than drag it on forever. She cried and cried...and I listened to her, and tried to make her feel beter. problem is now that I don't really know what to do about her...I wish I could make her feel better somehow...its a damn shame.


As fate would have it...my best friend that I slept with, Jamie, sent me a text message about 5 minutes after getting off the phone with my now ex gf...saying that she was sorry about not getting ahold of me over the last two weeks, but she has had a ton of stuff going on, had to work like every night, and just been wore out...told me she was gonna call me when she leaves work.


so she called about 245am....which is about the normal time her and I talk, we are both insomniacs that only sleep about an hour or two a night so we always call eachother in the middle of the night to chat.


she said that she was so sorry for what happened...she said that she really hopes that I wasn't mad at her. I told her that I barely rememberd anything, and that she has nothing to be sorry for. I told her that I was sorry too...and she said "you shouldn't be, it wasn't your fault"




she said that she was the one that innitiated it. she said that it was a combination of a lotta things, it wasn't her intentions when she came down to see me, but it was just that she has missed me so much since I've moved, that she hadn't had sex in like months, that I've trimmed up and grown my hair back out like it was in college, along with all the booze and she just lost controll. according to her she doesn't remember everything, but she knows that she was the one who started it and made it happen...and that I tried several times to stop her...but was just too drunk.


I told her that I wasn't mad at all, and hardly remember much...told her that my memories from after 1am that night are like 3-5 second video clips with large blank spaces in between...


we talked for a while and just as I was about to say it she said "the most important thing for me is to make sure that we are still friends, I couldn't imagine my life without you in it"...which is exactly what I was going to say... I called her crazy and said that of course we are still friends, this doesn't change anything...she laughed and said "haha...ya...was bound to happen. woulda been nice if we were sober enough to have at least enjoyed it a little more, because I know I pulled out some moves I hadn't done in years on you!!" and we both laughed... like I said...her and I are really comfortable talking about sex, always have been.


we talked a little while longer and we made plans to go to opening day baseball game on monday. we discussed my now ex gf and she helped me deal with some of the guilt I have about breaking her heart....told me that I did the right thing...she said that if I don't feel the chemistry and don't really feel pasionate about her, then I was just hurting her by dragging it on.


anyways...this has gotten a lot longer than I wanted...just wanted to let yall know...


thanks for all your help!!

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...she laughed and said "haha...ya...was bound to happen. woulda been nice if we were sober enough to have at least enjoyed it a little more, because I know I pulled out some moves I hadn't done in years on you!!"


I dunno man, sure sounds like she's digging you more then just as a friend. I had a VERY similar situation to yours, and she said something very similar, that implied she had sexual attraction towards me. That was about 2 years ago, and we've been dating ever since.

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ya ya ya...I know...


probably should...


one thing I do need to add tho...the thing she said about sex moves was a joke...its the main thing her and I joke around about. we have spent the last several years coming up with fun names for sexual positions and things you do durring sex...its like our biggest running joke to see who can come up with the most random stuff....don't really think that she was being serious on that!! especially when she said that she was thinking about trying "the '74 buick station wagon" while doing "a mike ditka spelling b"...


but other then that I do now finally admit to what yall told me earlier this week...seems like there is definitely something more there. and maybe I need to stop looking for other girls and realize I've had the perfect one for me all along. I just cant help but think about things like money, religion, kids and other really important things like that which when it comes to long term I believe would cause us to split. but who knows...


she is coming to see me again next week...we'll sit down and talk about it I'm sure...

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She might have diguised the sex comment as a joke, but I'm telling you right now, it wasn't. She's 100% serious.


My girlfriend said something extremely similar as a joke before we went together, now that we're dating she admitted it was 100% serious.

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Ah, the uptight lawyer and the tattooed schoolteacher....I honestly can't think of a better match.


I'm going to give you a piece of advice, take it or leave it. Set up a meeting with Jamie, go up to her..look her straight in the eye, then just lean in and start kissing. Just let it all go man, the uncertainty, the doubt, the fear. Loose yourself in her eyes, lips, the smell of her hair. You'll realize in that moment what most of us here have been telling you all along...your in love, but just don't know it.


Or don't, and live the rest of your life with the knowledge that you may have let your soulmate, an extreme rarity, slip right through your fingers.



Good luck hoss.

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Ah, the uptight lawyer and the tattooed schoolteacher....I honestly can't think of a better match.



Snoop Dog and Nursing Homes?


Hairy fat guys and speedos?


Nail guns and Little kids?


Ronald McDonald and Mike Tyson?


Taquilla and Ketchup?


these are all things that I can think that match up about as well as her and I...just kidding...


thanks locke

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