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Hello all,


You've probably not read my stories but this is to the girl that I was enamoured with and then I asked her out and she said no, well, we've become friends and she's recently (after the party I talk about in this email) started helping me with my own dating life. Well, I'm a little tipsy right now and I was about to send this email but I stopped myself and wanted to see if I could get some feedback here first. What do ya'll think? Should I send this? (I'm going to change the names real quick)


Hey [Julie],


Thanks for letting me take your place in bowlling tonight. I had a blast! And we won all our games!! I did my best score ever as well, 138!!! And all my games were over 100.



Thanks again for everything you do.


You know what, I'm actually still a little tipsy right now so I can say a few things that I actually wouldn't normally.



Well, you know that I'm enamored with you and I always will be. But I don't know if that enamored is based in a "girlfriend" or "friend" way. I just feel better when I'm around you and I know that now if I could have any repayment for all the work I did on the [stuff I did for you] it would be to be able to see you, in person, once a week. It's truly amazing how much better I feel about life and myself when I just spend a few hours around you. You are like my muse and, right now, I really really need you in my life as much as I can.



I am madly in Love with you as a person. Almost like a family member. I'll pretty much go out of my way to help you in any way I can. Because well, I want to try and make you happy. I wish I knew what it was about you that just kills me. But every time I'm around you I feel awesome about myself, the world, everything. That is what I'm looking for in the girl I'm going to date. You're the second person that's given me that feeling and I know that someone else, sometime, will as well. That's when I know I'll have found my perfect woman.



I know I shouldn't be sending this, but, well, I just don't care anymore. I need you in my life. You are my muse. If this email makes you stop wanting to be anywhere near me. So be it. I'll have to get over it. But I'm tired of trying to beat around the bush and ...



Yeah, this is a total stream of conscious letter. You could tell that I was "ticked off" recently. Well, the reason is that I was always the one to instigate any real (non-IM) contact between us. I'd pretty much given up on you at the party over at [Couple we know]'s. I figured I'd never really see you again ever, unless of course, you needed some help with [work I did for you]. Yes, I'm venting here. Give me that. I'm not sure if I'm glad or angry that I did the [work I did for you]. I know that it's helped you with your job and it's given you a little bit of money for school so that makes me happy. But, more and more each day, it makes me feel like a total loser that was just used by a beautiful woman to get what she wanted. I know that's not true, but hell, just like I can't stop my feelings for you, I can't stop that feeling either.



Truthfully, and I'm only saying this because I'm still a little tipsy, whenever I talk to you on IM, phone, etc. (not in person) I feel that you really dislike me. But whenever I'm around you, I feel like you actually care about me as a person. I know that's strange but hell, that's just how it feels.



I've been tempted recently to just tell you, "That's it, I can't be friends anymore, it's just too painful because I feel that you don't like me. Let's go back to being acquaintances" But, I admit, that's the last thing in the world I'd ever want.



I truly wish I could stop caring about you as much as I do, but I know that I never will. So please forgive my desire to be around you as much as I can and tell me ...



(stream of conscious remember?) Well, if I could have you tell me anything I'd like these two questions, well it'll probably be more, answered. First, why do you not want to go out with me? (I, of course, have my guesses, but I want to hear it from you) Do you think anyone would want to go out with me? Why do you actually want to be my friend? Is it out of guilt? Or because you enjoy my company (even though you probably wouldn't anymore after this email, huh?)



Ok, well, I need to go grab some advil and some water and hit the hay. Thanks again for thinking of me for bowling and I hope you had as awesome a night as I did.


Love ya,





So, what do ya'll think? Send it? Forget it? What the hell am I thinking? Ha, okay, well, like I said, I've got to go grab some advil and water.


Hope you all are having an excellent night.



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Don't send!!! You will regret it in the morning - what if she doesn't respond, or says 'thank you, that's sweet', or just runs? No, far too full on.


Never send ANYTHING when drunk/angry/otherwise not your rational self. You may regret it, and cringe when you remember. Wait until you're stone cold sober, and then talk to the girl!

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Yeah, wow, definitely shouldn't send that! Thank God I thought of sending it here first. Thanks all and I totally agree with Honey Pumpkin... don't EVER send ANYTHING when drunk/angry/otherwise. Wow, well, there we go, another reason ENA rocks, keeps me from doing stupid things.


Thanks again all and hope you all have a great weekend!



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