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could I be pregnant??? Help I'm stressing!!!!

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I have been on birth control for over a year now and I was suppose to start my period over the weekend. I never got my period, just a barely noticiable spot of pink when I whiped, Some other times it was brown mucus looking stuff. I started on a new pack of birth control already, so I don't think i'll be able to get my period until next month. Could I be pregnant? It is really stressing me out, I won't be able to buy a PT until Sunday, So I'm trying to figure out if I could be pregnant or not.

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I feel for you ! When you're newly pregnant, you can get a very irregular period. (Heavy or very light).


Question: If you're past the first day of your next period ...you're breasts should be extrememly tender (like nipples can't be touched tender).

You also can get very very tired and begin feeling bloated. These signs can also be similar to a period, so I would get a PT and take it to ease your stressed mind. Good luck with everything!

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You might be okay - but your best best is... take a test sweetie - sometimes you can have what is called 'an implantation' bleed - spotting at your normal period time, followed with nothing else...


If you are pregnant - you will be far enough to do a test if you are far enough to have missed a period - you simply won't have an answer til the test is done!!!! Good luck!!

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If you take your pill consistently, it's very unlikely for you to get pregnant. Keep in mind that when you're on the pill- you are not really getting a period because you're not ovulating- ther period you get is really just a "withdrawal bleed".


The pill can make your "periods" lighter. But of course, if you have any doubts, take a pregnancy test for the added piece of mind.



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So, I still havent had my period since the end of January. Ive taken 3 different tests at different times, all negative. I'm going in for a blood test this weekend just to be sure, but how reliable are pregnancy tests? They 99.9% or something, but I have heard that they can be completely wrong.


Also, when can you take them? Ive taken them all in the mornings.. but does it really matter if you take 4 days before your missed period...


I never understood that...

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You are more likely to get a false negative if you take the test BEFORE the date your period is due. In that case, you may be pregnant yet there might not be anough HcG in your urine to be detected. The early response tests are not all that accurate- they become much more accurate once you miss a period.



If you've already missed your period and 3 tests have said "nagative" it would be very unlikely for you to be pregnant. By the time your period is missed there should be enough HcG to be detected.


I think it's good that you contacted the doctor though- just to be on the safe side.


Some tests recommend using the first urine in the morning, which is more concentrated- however it should not effect your results too much.


If you were testing before the date of your missed period, it would be better to use the more concentrated urine in order to reduce the risk of a false negative (there would be more HcG in your morning urine so it would more likely be detected).


When I became pregnant- I took an early response test 2 days before my period was due and it came out negative. I only got a positive result 2 days later, when my period was supposed to be due. I think the early response tests can be a waste of money because they just cause you to have to buy more tests. I think it's best to wait until your period is actually due/missed- because your results are much more accurate then.



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When I became pregnant- I took an early response test 2 days before my period was due and it came out negative. I only got a positive result 2 days later, when my period was supposed to be due.



Me, too. It was lightly positive on the day my period was due.

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