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question for us guys

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ok i have a question for us guys out there, girls your input is just as good so give some feedback if yall would like also.


I find it really gross when a girl just goes around and randomly sleeps with other guys. I find that she degrades herself in that matter and its such a huge turn off.


I personally do not want a girl who randomly sleeps around for a long term relationship at all. I find it really disgusting that she doesnt treasure herself more than that.


Ok if she is in a relationship that is different and im not talking about the first time she goes out with her new boyfriend and has sex. Like at least a few months before it happens.


Is it that i just have high standards, or does more than just me feel like this?

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Some people simply believe in no-strings sex. They take precautions and stuff, they just like to have sex. I must admit, I find it a bit of a turnoff myself. I often wonder if there are issues that cause her to seek comfort from other people, but can't find what she is looking for.


On the other hand...a man that does this is a stud! Go figure.

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ok i have a question for us guys out there, girls your input is just as good so give some feedback if yall would like also.


I find it really gross when a girl just goes around and randomly sleeps with other guys. I find that she degrades herself in that matter and its such a huge turn off.


I personally do not want a girl who randomly sleeps around for a long term friendship at all. I find it really disgusting that she doesnt treasure herself more than that.


Ok if she is in a relationship that is different and im not talking about the first time she goes out with her new boyfriend and has sex. Like at least a few months before it happens.


Is it that i just have high standards, or does more than just me feel like this?




Well, your post reflects your own moral values. So according to your values I think you are right.


However, I doubt that the girl that goes sleeping around has the same beliefs and values than you, so according to her values you are incorrect.



That being said, just stay away from that people. But keep in mind that by judging others you may be keeping yourself away from wonderful people.

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You do not have higher standards - you have different standards. Yours are valid -but so are those who have a different viewpoint.


But I should also point out that there is no reason to think that any standards should be different for men and women.

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Then you have a nice set of morals. Find someone who matches them. But don't automaticly think that girls that sleep around are bad. They are no different that anyone else wanting to have a good time. They are doctors, lawyers, homemakers and pillars of the community. If they were men, they would be admired.

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What about a girl (or guy) that meets another individual they think is totally hot, enjoy being with, but because of whatever factor (customs, habits) they know they won't be in it for a marriage... What is your opinion on that person having a monogamous casual relationship (in between BF/GF) with that person? Is that the same or different?


I always wondered that...

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What about a girl (or guy) that meets another individual they think is totally hot, enjoy being with, but because of whatever factor (customs, habits) they know they won't be in it for a marriage... What is your opinion on that person having a monogamous casual relationship (in between BF/GF) with that person? Is that the same or different?


I always wondered that...


That would be basically FWB. Same thing, a little bit safer.

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Hi Survival,


To each his own...I'm personally not a fan of ppl who treat sex casually..something intimate as that is not just fun and games. I can totally relate to you...I'm an Indian gal so mebbe raised in a conservative environment. So I think we should all be true to ourselves and find someone who is more in tune with our values. I met an Indian guy thro a matrimonial website who is raised here in the US. on our second date he tried to kiss me, being shy I turned my face. After that we came home. He told me to e mail him back which I did but he never replied. The way I look at it is some ppl r looking for easy sex. Ppl who value emotions, and genuine lov will not lay so much stress on the physical stuff. Be comfy in your skin & be proud to be who you are...ppl who r easy in bed will be very comfy walking out on you as well is my humble opinion....

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I find it really gross when a boy just goes around and randomly sleeps with other girls. I find that he degrades himself in that matter and its such a huge turn off.


I personally do not want a boy who randomly sleeps around for a long term relationship at all. I find it really disgusting that he doesnt treasure himself more than that.


Back to the 18th century?

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