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Please I need support for my weak moment with ex.

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Ok in dire need of some support. I'm having a weak moment. Wanting to contact the ex tell him I miss him tell him I want to be with him. I shouldn't. He very slyly cut down my self confidence and made me second guess everything I said/did. (lol I wrote on here all the time in the last 5 months). I know in my heart that he's not the one, didn't fit. But right now I just need anyone who has gone through this or is going through this to tell me it's ok and that n/c is still best. Please I just don't want to slip up.

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hi there, help is here. i am going through this at the moment!!!


i was with mine for six months and I ended it as he was very jealous and controlling and I was under such a strain in the relationship, I couldnt take it any more. He took break up real bad and was obsessive about getting me back and he also was trying to get my self confidence down so I wouldnt leave him. Now i have had 8 days no contact and I know how hard it is as you miss the good things about the relationship. I have tried to make a list of all the bad things that I dont miss. put it up on your wall! Please reply, I am on line now mca1975 x

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That's the only thing stopping me is thinking of the bad but I don't think it will stop me for long. He was happy with the break up and when I asked could we just take a break and try again he said "Ok we will see in 3 weeks." is he just making me hang on....don't want to be the bad guy again?

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Oh, I'm sure at some point that he will. But is that truly relevant? Him missing you really does you no good in the end, particularly considering you know he's not the one.


Focus on yourself, that's what no contact is really for. Try not to concern yourself with what he's thinking and feeling. That's for him to deal with now without your help.

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I have to agree with Ash on this one. YOU are the most important thing in your life, and that is that. My ex had me constantly second-guessing myself, every time I thought I had it straight in my head as to what I wanted, one conversation with him and I'd be a pool of spineless goo on the floor, bowing to whatever he said was the "right" thing to do. It was only after months of NC that I was able to see straight and give myself the validation that what I was thinking and feeling was not wrong in any way, shape or form.

It is very hard, but you really need to focus on yourself and not live the what-ifs, shoulda / coulda / woulda, wonder if he's feeling as bad as me life. The day you wake up and know that you will be ok and you can be happy will be the best day of your life! I greet every day with a smile now and am saddened only by the fact I wasted 10 years trying to save something I really should have let go.

You can do it! Not to mention you will be better for it in the end.... we promise!!

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Yeah being alone you do miss the things that come with a relationship, but it is important for you to now learn to be happy with just yourself. It will be tough but then when the right person comes along you will be ready for a healthy and successful relationship.


Just hang in there and do not contact him!!!!!!!!!

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Well I lost the battle today I text him and I feel awful


Well ... it happens sometimes. You will get the urge,and to be honest many of those attempting no contact do make the odd slip. So don't let it bug you, just move on past.


Whatever happens, don't get into a protracted text message (or otherwise) communication with him. If he returns the communication do your best to ignore it if you can.

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Do you need to talk about it?


Shake it off, it happens, start over and be good to yourself~regardless

of the fact that you had a weak moment. Learn the lesson from it.

Try not to repete the mistake thinking the result may be different,

chances are, they won't be.

Just know that sometimes NC really is a good idea just so that you

have enough space and distance to get stronger, so you can heal.

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I know that's what is so frustrating. I've gone through the whole contacting an ex...feeding off the crumbs they gave me. It just seemed so hard today. I had been thinking about him all day and I just did after trying so many different things to not do it.....I guess I just I wish didn't.

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Hey girl,


Don't sweat it. You will be okay. We all had little boo-boo's. You always have us to talk to and when you feel a little itchy to contact him, do something else to distract you. Like call a friend, go for a walk, clean out a closet, anything to keep you busy. Stay strong. We are all here for you.




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Hey there,


Try not hate yourself because I have noticed when folks are too hard on themselves or focus on the event too much, it increases the chance for another "opps." Try your best to let it go, you are human, with a lot of emotions at the moment and that we all make mistakes. That's all. Before you know it, you will be chuckling at yourself.


There are going to be tough days and there are going to be easy days. That dreaded emotional rollercoaster and that is common. Hang in there.

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