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Anti-depressants and sex drive!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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HELP! I need to take 20 mg of prozac because my doctor says it's the only way to decrease my horrible PMS moods. Anyways, it totally kills my sex drive. to the point where I can't orgasm or when I do it takes FOREVER!!!!!! what should I do??? has does everyone else in the world deal with this???

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i've been there. after a few months on it for depression, my mood was totally lifted and i was able to see the world clearly again. i even started dating a guy (this is a few years ago) who was great, but when it came to sex, i felt completely uninterested, like to the point where i wondered if i was completely asexual. i felt like i as 8 years old again. unfortunately, prozac has a long half-life compared to other anti-depressants, so once you stop taking it, the effects still linger for several months. i'd discuss other drug options w/ your doc... prozac in particular is notorious for this! good luck.

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You'll make your own informed choice. Thought I'd throw my experience in here though.


I chose not to take antidepressants because, I guess, losing sex drive was so unappealling to me.

If you are dealing with depression or a lack of sex drive to begin with though, there isn't really a trade-off in that department.


Anyhow, sex and orgasms are a great relief for PMS moods for me. (I miss my 'medication' !)


Hope you find a good balance of happy and horny.

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Welcome to the world of antidepressents, unless you have some other reason to take paxil I wouldn't, I've been on paxis 40mg for a while due to my OCD . It helps with that and with depression but yes it has killed the sex drive quite a bit. I don't mind it though given my current situation. Acupuncture and chinese medicine helps tremendously with PMS, you may want to give that I try first. Unless of course there is a reason of killing the sex drive than I would say go for it!

good luck with your decision

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There are herbal remedies for horrible PMS moods/mood swings that work well (from experience w/ girls I've dated. Go to a health food store and find the section w/ holistic meds., one was labeled "PMS" something, it was in a green bottle w/ gold label and eyedropper built into the cap that worked great. Birth control pills really helped my ex wife.


Maroon or brown towels for itsallgrand's suggestion work well and a mutual shower after.....

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I SO feel for you! My ex-husband took those horrible things!


Thing is, I won't TOUCH anti-depressants. You can get way more results with nutrition and/or supplements for PMS (or anything else for that matter).


I wouldn't take them. I'll bet he forgot to tell you that if you go off the meds, you'll go through the worse withdrawls of your entire life if you go cold turkey. I mean, you will feel like you are DYING! You have to taper if you stop them!


My natural healing book says: For PMS:


Take aidophilus (kyodophilus from Wakunaga) as directed on label (breaks down metabolites of estrogen).


black currant seed oil/flaxseed oil/primrose oil as directed on label 3

X's a day. (primrose 1000mg 3X's a day).


calcium 1500 mg daily

magnesium 1000 mg daily


vit D3. as directed on label.


Melatonin as directed.


You might want to research why these work by googling them!


Those were just a few. I have a) completely treated back pain from a car accident (couldn't walk for a while!) with magnesium, lots of water, and a chlorine shower filter Plus exercise and stretching. My dr. told me I needed LOTS of pain meds ...lots of drugs. Didn't take ONE OF THEM.


b) Cured depression with regular therapy, excercise, (magnesium in highly absorbable powder form), and music. They told me I needed anti-depressants. Won't take those either.


c) cured recurring bladder/urinary tract/kidney infections by drinking cranberry juice every day.


Have I proved my point?


BTW- A lot of DRS are great! Don't get me wrong ! I just believe in trying everything else without the side effects first!


Plus, I am not attempting to cure or prevent any disease by posting this. I have to write this like all the companies who make supplements that actually WORK so the drug GOD company doesn't sue them and run them out of business.



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i once dated a girl on anti depressants (can’t remember which brand it was), yes, it totally kills the sex drive, makes it much harder at the start of a relationship when you’re with someone that couldn’t care less about it.


Maybe the drugs shouldn’t be called antidepressants, but more anti-emotion. It levels out someone’s emotional ups and downs to one flat line, sure, they can’t go into the ultra low states of depression, but then they also somehow can’t feel happiness to the same extent. So instead of getting the usual fantastic relationship honeymoon period, the highs off love, the joys of laughter, all there is left is the constant so-so feeling.

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I don't know which brand of anti-depressents your girlfriend was on but that's not the effect I have had with Paxil, the only bad side effect has been times of weight gain, and low sex drive. But the happiness and laughter, jee thank god that has never left me....LOL

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