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Ok, this might make a few women on this part of the message boards a little uncomfortable, but I thought this would be the best place to get advice on this.


A couple weeks ago my gf and I had a little mishap. None of the "ingredients" made it in her (I pulled out before it happened) and its the only time we've ever done it without a condom. But afterwords we had a long and very serious conversation about the possiblity of children, when we'd feel comfortable having them, and what we would do if we had a true accident. It was a good conversation, and I was glad we seemed to be on the same page and we could talk seriously and frankly about it.


However, there was a brief pause in the conversation when I admitted to her that I have always been very attracted to pregnant women and I was turned on by their figure (I guess you could call it a fetish). She asked me matter-of-factly if I would ever try to get her pregnant to play into this fantasy and I said "Good god no!" There is no way I can afford a child at this point, and I don't have plans to have any kids for a few years yet. It was out of the question.


But since I revealed this she's done a few things that make me wonder if she's uncomfortable with someone who has that sort of sexual predilection. We were at a restaurant and a very pregnant woman sat near us and she said with a smirk "Hey, check out that one." Or when we were about to be intimate the other night, she asked (in a very condescending/sarcastic tone of voice) if I wanted her to stuff a pillow in her shirt and do some role playing.


She and I have been very open with each other when it comes to our sexuality, and I've done my best to cater to her urges and tastes, I feel like she's taken a backhanded nature to this.


Also, does my attraction to this type of women concern women or make me appear perverted in some way? Does it bother you (I'm speaking to those who are/were pregnant) that I would "bend that way"?


In advance, I thank anyone here who is willing to entertain this somewhat awkward question.

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A lot of guys find pregnant women to be beautiful. A lot of girls find pregnant women to be beautiful. So I don't think you are crazy or anything..


I wonder how it came out though. Do you mean that you actually really get turned on by a pregnant woman? Or do you just find it beautiful and attractive?


Has she ever seemed insecure about past things you have talked about?

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I wonder how it came out though. Do you mean that you actually really get turned on by a pregnant woman? Or do you just find it beautiful and attractive?


I dunno, its kind of both. I find there is a certain glow they often have thats a bit of a turn on. I guess I'm just as attracted to their physical figure as I am by the ineffable aura that surrounds most of them during that phase.


I mentioned it because she had said she would be worried about all the weight she'd put on if she got pregnant, and I told her that it would only make her more attractive to me.


On a slightly less happy note, my predilection might be a result of being molested/raped by my pregnant aunt when I was 11. I usually avoid mentioning that, but since this board offers me anonymity...

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I dunno, its kind of both. I find there is a certain glow they often have thats a bit of a turn on.


Yeah that is very true. I loved my partner being pregnant, she looked just so good and there is this very protective thing it generates in you.


I can completely understand what you are talking about.

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On a slightly less happy note, my predilection might be a result of being molested/raped by my pregnant aunt when I was 11. I usually avoid mentioning that, but since this board offers me anonymity...


RU Serious? That's very unfortunate! But we are who we are and sometimes early encounters make us find certain things more inviting than others.


Apparently there are pregnant porn sites that cater to this interest and I'll tell you maybe you're just picking up on the hormonal surges in women because like I've said repeatedly, I've never had such a drive as I've had while pregnant. It's really been phenomenal. Maybe you are picking up on the pheromones.


I just think as long as you find your significant other attractive and are completely honest and faithful, it's fine. She can theoretically get pregnant so she should feel no threats. Anyway, I hope you don't question yourself too much. It's your right to find attractive what turns your head and not to have to question it too much.


And since you asked, I find it flattering to know that men find pregnant women attractive. It's nice to know because well, we don't always feel so hot.

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