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Why are girls so hard to understand?

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Why are women so indirect in what they want? They can ask you one thing and expect you to answer the opposite. Or they'll test you to see if you'll do the "right" thing as though we can read their mind.


They can tell you one thing and mean the opposite, but sometimes they mean what they say. Who knows. Why do they want you to understand them but never make an effort for you to understand them? Why do they make things so complicated?

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It's because it wouldn't be as FUN any other way!


Seriously though, we could argue "why are men so dense? Why is it that you can SAY something that so OBVIOUSLY is searching for a certain response, and he can completely miss it and respond in some other way?! And why is it when we are so CLEARLY testing his attraction/devotion to us, he misses it and fails whatever test we were administering... Duh!"

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Haha Jayar. Yeah I was telling my gf the same thing last night. That she needs to say things as directly as possible because I'm a guy, adn I'm dumb. I need things to be spelled out to me.


For instance, she said "Oh you don't need to send me flowers for valentines day."


So I said "Think carefully about what you're saying. To me, that says I will never ever ever ever ever send you flowers for v-day. Is that what you want?"


"No. Send me flowers."

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=D> that's a good one..! I like your expression "Think carefully about what you're saying. To me, that says I will never ever ever ever ever send you flowers for v-day. Is that what you want?"




Haha Jayar. Yeah I was telling my gf the same thing last night. That she needs to say things as directly as possible because I'm a guy, adn I'm dumb. I need things to be spelled out to me.


For instance, she said "Oh you don't need to send me flowers for valentines day."


So I said "Think carefully about what you're saying. To me, that says I will never ever ever ever ever send you flowers for v-day. Is that what you want?"


"No. Send me flowers."

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Haha Jayar. Yeah I was telling my gf the same thing last night. That she needs to say things as directly as possible because I'm a guy, adn I'm dumb. I need things to be spelled out to me.


For instance, she said "Oh you don't need to send me flowers for valentines day."


So I said "Think carefully about what you're saying. To me, that says I will never ever ever ever ever send you flowers for v-day. Is that what you want?"


"No. Send me flowers."



Okay, so she said "oh you don't need to send me flowers for valentines day" and you ACTUALLY THOUGHT she meant "oh you don't need to send me flowers on valentines day"?!?!?!?! Come on now, that was SO CLEARLY intended to mean "oh you don't need to send me flowers for valentines day, but if you ever want to see me again or have ANY hope of getting any action for the next several months, likely up until you can redeem yourself next valentines day, then you will send me flowers for valentines day. Okay, sweetie-pie?"


Honestly, how could you miss that?!

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It's like, listen to what I mean...not always what I say....


I agree, it is hard for us to understand one another....males and females. Why do you think the divorce rate is so astronomical? Learning to communicate with these strange creatures takes much schooling.


Read books.

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Pointless to ask these types of questions. Women are the way they are, this is the way they were made and there's nothing thatanyone can do to change them.


But what you can do is learn what's really going on in a woman's head and act accordingly. Like when a girl tests me, I understand that she has a good reason to do so. So many guys out there lie in order to get what they want, so girl's have to come up with other ways to figure out if a guy is being for real. If you react right, then you're set.


Women can be confusing, but you can figure it out and once you got it, then you're all set. Read between the lines and never be afriad to stick up for yourself and if something fishy is going on, don't hesitate to call her out on it.

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My ex used to tell me:


"I dont want to have to tell you to do things or say things , I just want you to know what to do and say"


To which I would reply:


" Well maybe you should find a mind reader and be with them then"



I guess that explains why we broke up. She obviously took my advice and found herself a mind reader.



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My believed that.., only girls with low interest(love) gives mix signals. Again and again, never take them personally. Roll with the punches and when they corner you with a serious question, you counter with some funny. For example, "honey how much do you love me" you answered, "what are you talking about" or "as much as I love my car" haha



Pointless to ask these types of questions. Women are the way they are, this is the way they were made and there's nothing thatanyone can do to change them.


But what you can do is learn what's really going on in a woman's head and act accordingly. Like when a girl tests me, I understand that she has a good reason to do so. So many guys out there lie in order to get what they want, so girl's have to come up with other ways to figure out if a guy is being for real. If you react right, then you're set.


Women can be confusing, but you can figure it out and once you got it, then you're all set. Read between the lines and never be afriad to stick up for yourself and if something fishy is going on, don't hesitate to call her out on it.

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I guess that explains why we broke up. She obviously took my advice and found herself a mind reader.


Hahaha, Joe I know exactly where you're coming from with this. I went trough the same crap until I learned once and for all - it's better not to listen them at all and do whatever you thing you should than not reading between lines....


It's a cruel world out there

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Roll with the punches and when they corner you with a serious question, you counter with some funny. For example, "honey how much do you love me" you answered, "what are you talking about" or "as much as I love my car" haha

Sometimes (I mean, I joke around a lot too), but sometimes they are serious and really want to know if you care about them and then you have to go serious or they'll think you don't really care about em and will dump you as a result.

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My believed that.., only girls with low interest(love) gives mix signals. Again and again, never take them personally. Roll with the punches and when they corner you with a serious question, you counter with some funny. For example, "honey how much do you love me" you answered, "what are you talking about" or "as much as I love my car" haha


LOL, you think "honey how much do you love me?" is a mixed signal?!


I think if a woman asks that, she's just being a baby. I mean, how can you HONESTLY even answer a question like that seriously. I can tell you if a guy asked me "how much do you love me?" I'd run. Talk about insecurity.

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Sometimes (I mean, I joke around a lot too), but sometimes they are serious and really want to know if you care about them and then you have to go serious or they'll think you don't really care about em and will dump you as a result.


I'd have to say that a woman that says "honey, how much do you love me?" deserves a joking response. She's just being an idiot. But there's a HUGE difference between "how much do you love me?" and "do you see this relationship going somewhere long-term?" Even though I'd ask neither...


Some girls are very VERBAL and you can tell them what they want to hear and then get away with murder as long as you keep telling them what they want to hear. Others don't care as much about what you say as they do about your actions. And THOSE girls are the ones you don't hear asking "honey how much do you love me, pookie-pie-kitten-lips?" LOL


(They're also the ones who probably keep you on your toes since, if they aren't happy, they'd just as soon dump you as "communicate" the crap out of you...)

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I was like that, but it was because I was called demanding if I ever voiced what I wanted... behaviour like that is LEARNT.


Anyways, I got myself out of it... if in doubt, HUG HER... thats all you really need to know. Its so easy... they WILL tell you what they want, but they dont expect to have to ask for it every time.. you should remember if she tells you "when we fight I just want a cuddle to calm down, then we talk"..

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To which she replies:



"So you are saying I look fat with what I have on?"


and now you are in a world of crap


Why would you want to date someone like that? It makes me sad that people can be like that


I asked my ex if I looked ok once, he said "yeah,but that jacket makes you look even fatter"

I just laughed... hysterically...

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