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What is the 3 week/7 date rule


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sorry may sound naive...but I understood this to mean we would not go on any more than 7 dates within 3 weeks. Now I'm having doubts andmaybe it means wait at least 7 dates or 3 weeks until something physical/sex/?? I dont know. I wouldn't have considered sex before 3 weeks anyway...infact pobably much longer than this.


Arghh now I'm confused....anyone else heard this term and know what a guy means when he says he wants to do this? In context he says it is probably the opposite from most guys natural reaction.


Thanks for any ideas.

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I doubt it's about dating though, probably about sex i think you should have just laughed at him and been like, "Ha - you think you'd be lucky enough to have me after only 3 weeks?"


or, it could be more something along the lines of .... if he has been on 7 dates or seen a woman for 3 weeks, and he still isn't into her or that interested in a relationship, he will drop her.

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For me, if I were dating someone new I wouldn't see them more than once a week for the first month just so neither of us would get overwhelmed. Maybe twice towards the end of the month. I don't have sex outside of an exclusive relationship and before I've been steadily dating the guy for at least a few months and we are serious - as in - at least some potential for marriage.

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For me, if I were dating someone new I wouldn't see them more than once a week for the first month just so neither of us would get overwhelmed. Maybe twice towards the end of the month. I don't have sex outside of an exclusive relationship and before I've been steadily dating the guy for at least a few months and we are serious - as in - at least some potential for marriage.


My, you're very strict.


Only once a week, no more? What if you bumps into each other?


"Sorry, I've gotta go! I... uh, left the oven on! Bai."

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LOL - well if we run into each other, that's not a date - and if that happened sure I'd say hello and maybe even grab a cup of coffee - but it's unlikely to happen - the running in to - in my large city.


I don't see it as strict - I see it as smart for me if I have a long term view - short term flings where you see each other every day, talk every day right off the bat - those very often burn out just as fast despite being exciting. I have a fun, fulfilling busy life and if I were not with someone now, I would want to integrate that person into my life at a reasonable pace rather than throwing it all to the wayside just for someone I barely know.


As far as the waiting for sex - that is simply what is consistent with my values. Never had a problem meeting people who felt the same or were more than willing to wait until I felt comfortable.

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