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When girls start using phrases you use


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My friends and I were talking earlier and we picked up on something that none of us knew the answer too.


All of us are fairly inventive with language and like to make up terms for things, either actively or subconsciously. We've all known girls that have picked up on these phrases and used them themselves.


These are the sort of things that guy friends wouldn't use too often, for fear of being branded a copycat or whatever. So if a girl picks up on things you say and starts using them herself - even if they're fleeting and have no real value other than being found funny by the girl - is there something that can be read into? Could it be used as a way of saying, "I like you"?


Just so you know, none of us ever even attempted to get anywhere with any of these girls.

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Well...maybe it could mean they like you, but probably its just a familiarity thing. I've noticed this too. I hang out with my boyfriends friends quite a bit and I find myself coming to talk just like them (which isn't a good thing!) lol.


I doubt there is much to read into this. Although ya gotta say - if someone is using the way you talk, it probably means they have lots of respect for you.

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It's generally accepted that imitation is a form a flattery.


You don't say how old you are but certainly in teenage years there is a strong desire to fit in with a group, there is a tribal element to social life.


So by copying your ways of communicating or dressing etc, the person is sort saying I think you guys are cool and I want to fit in with you.


Whether that means they are sexually attracted to you would not be so clear. I think you would be looking for other signals to support that.

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What if someone uses the phrases even when you're not about? In my case, there was a girl that thought something I said completely in passing was hilarious. So much so that a month later, a whole bunch of people she had gone to visit abroad were using it and started a Facebook group related entirely to this singular word.


I'm in my early twenties, by the way.

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I think if she's copying something you say, that is unique to you, then it definitely means she likes you in a "I think your cool" sort of way. I am not sure it necessarily would mean she likes you in a "I want to date you" sort of way but it is probably a good indicator that she might.

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I don't think you should read into it too much. I personally tend to pick up on speech patterns very quickly, regardless of my relationship with the person. I've been guilty of imitating speech patterns of people that I actually hated, and definitely of people that I simply didn't care about (but had a lot of exposure to, like in class, so I heard them talk a lot). So I really don't think it's a reliable indicator. Unless, of course, she makes a point of using those words (places emphasis on them, looks at you when she says them).

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this is also how trends spread though too. somebody likes something, they use it and spread it. it's how the world works. i know for a fact i change my speech around certain groups i hang with. if i'm out partying, i will use curse words with friends. when i'm at a family gathering, not a peep of curse words will come out of my mouth. it is situational. i think the girls are just trying to relate to you whether they like you or not. it's called being accepted.



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well put it this way. when you were a kid, didn't you see a karate movie or something like that that you liked and wanted to be that person or acted like you were them? it's because you liked them.



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