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My dad is a freakin manic!!!

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What is wrong with my parents?!!!


It's like it took me being abused to open my eyes and see what manics they are.


No wonder I was with crazy abusive psycho, and so nieve about everything.


I was taught that their way was the right way and they're kooks!!! (sp?)


My parents got home a little while ago (as if my day couldn't get any worse). All relaxation completely went out of the window.


My mom's in her regular crapy mood. And my dad won't leave me alone.

I tell him I don't feel like being bothered right now, but that's not acceptable.


He keeps following me all over the house.

I mean, that makes me totally uncomfortable.


Why can't he take no for an answer?! He wants to get all upset because I want time to myself.

He keeps saying he wants to talk but..................


...I can't take this anymore. I really can't.

I skipped work today because I felt like I was going to crack.

And then this crap. Why is he so aggressive? And controlling, both of my parents are controlling.

My boyfriend won't even talk to them anymore.


Everytime they want me to do something, they call him and try to get him to talk me into doing it.

He has caught on, they call pretending to check up on him, then give him instructions on things he can do.


My mom even talked to him about the fact that I've gained a lot of weight, Behind my back!!!

What's the point, ya know?!

Why are they doing these things? They're crazy!!!


I can't deal with this, I mean, they constantly reduce me to tears, and it isn't until I've broken down in front of them that they're satisfied.


I'm on the verge of hating them.


That's it!!!

I'm moving back to Alabama. There is no way in hell I will make any kind of recovery living with my parents.

They're too disruptive too toxic

I don't feel safe or comfortable living here

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Hey Guys!!!

Thanks for the responses.

I was raised as an only child. My brother left for college when I was 4 years old I think.

I am my parents only biological child.

I understand that they may be struggling, but I'm struggling much more because I'm the one who has had these experiences, they're just bystanders.

That's why I think that communication is important. And I've tried to communicate with them in so many ways and it doesn't seem to get me anywhere, so...I give up.

My mind is set on moving out.

I'll move out at soon as I have the finances to do so. Which will hopefully be in the next two or three months.

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I've been following your posts, and you have some serious issues that must alarm your parents. I'm sure they're much more than mere bystanders, they care about their only child.


Imagine your BF being badly hurt. Would you want him to dismiss you as just a bystander who can't understand?


It wouldn't hurt to calmly make peace with your parents, even as you move out.

You need your space, but they need to know you're healing.

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