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I love you :-)

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Ok just kind of curious as to what the enotaloners would have to say...


1. In your adult life, whats the fastest you've said I love you (and meant or thought you meant it)?


2. How long do you think is an acceptable amount of time to truly feel those feelings?


In the past, I said I love you after a month but looking back I dont think I really FELT it until around 6.

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embarrassingly...I said it FIRST after just two weeks...he did not say it back. He waited until two weeks later, then he said it. I guess I felt I did "love" him...I was attracted to him immensely...but I did not really know him...so I guess the love was on a superficial level. (duh) We are still getting to know each other...and the love part changes and grows and becomes more meaningful.

Acceptable amount of time? Er...I guess it varies..and for what reason...and what kind of love.

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1. My first boyfriend said it after 2 weeks and I said it back because I had thought about it...but looking back I wasn't. I think it was too soon and that relationship did not end up going well at all. My current boyfriend said it after 3 months and I knew for sure I was in love with him, and had known for about a month.


2. Like other people said, it's an individual thing. Some people take a very long time and others don't. Just make sure you know it's true for you.

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I would say it that I have been at least six or seven months into a relationship before I have said 'I love you' to a girl. When I say it I want it to have meaning. That's not to say I don't believe you can feel in love earlier.


I don't think there really is an acceptable amount of time before love becomes valid. It happens when it happens. If you could time it then how could it be genuine.


It's funny how sometimes we are so quick to say we love someone else yet struggle to love ourselves. Kind of unbalanced sometimes. Hey, that's my thought for the day!

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5 months into a 2 year relationship. It just "happened", I didn't think about it, it just came out. That's how I knew what I felt was real.


Second time, she said it 2 nights after we reunited (didn't speak or talk for 3 years prior, never had a relationship). I waited a good 2-3 months to say it back.

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Two weeks...she waited for at least two weeks after. We don't say it to each other all the time. She even replies "I love you". Not I love you TOO.


There's just no set time...I've said after couple months...others in between. Depends on the person.


I never say "I love you too", always just "i love you" back... not sure why... that 'too' just bugs me..

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Ok just kind of curious as to what the enotaloners would have to say...


1. In your adult life, whats the fastest you've said I love you (and meant or thought you meant it)?


2. How long do you think is an acceptable amount of time to truly feel those feelings?


In the past, I said I love you after a month but looking back I dont think I really FELT it until around 6.


You haven't stated what time we start counting from: the first time we saw the person, first time we met them or spoke to them, first time we dated etc..


If it's first time I ever came accross them, then the answer to (1) would be about a month or so. If it's the first time we started dating, then the answer to (1) would be a few days.


My answer to (2) would be: any time is acceptable; if someone decides that they love someone else on first sight, and it works, then good on them.

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1. In my adult life? Well when did I become an adult...honestly I'm still waiting for the magic moment to happen so I feel the change inside me, lol.

Well I've never said "I love you" first in any relationship. So I don't think I can answer that.


2. I don't think there is a set amount of time to have feelings of love, but I do think people should wait a little bit to try and realize if they have feelings of lust at first sight instead of love at first sight. My current boyfriend I fell in lust with at first sight, but it wasn't until a year after knowing him that I really began to love him...but at the time we were not boyfriend/girlfriend. Its only recently we got together like that. So maybe wait at least a month at minimum to try and avoid confusing feelings.

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1. In your adult life, whats the fastest you've said I love you and meant it

answer: 2 weeks


I do not think by saying I love you is like passing a sentence upon someone...be it a gf of mine or a bf....If it is truly from the heart there should be no thought whatsoever about repurcussion, or will he/she say it back. But unfortuantely I believe I am in the minority on this. I say what I feel, you only live once and it is for a very short time. I can truthfully say that I have never told anyone that I loved them and regretted it, even under the worst circumstances...

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