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Women: what do you think about men accusing us of being emotional?


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Are you ever sick of the ridiculous idea that logic and emotions are in opposition with each other? And then from that stems the idea that men tend to be more logical and women tend to be more emotional? What an idiotic idea! Yet, it seems to be the framework that a lot of assumptions are based on!

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I think it depends on the person. I for one always think with my emotions. And more then not after thinking logically I find that I have overreacted. But I have to say I've met men who do the same. I think it's just based on personality but sterotyped that woman only do this.

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I dont think its the emotions that are a problem, but how A LOT of women learn to use emotions to manipulate men.


"the manipulated man" by Esther Vilar is pretty good, very cynical, but is a point of view some might see parralells with.


I have found that many men do the same thing, however

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I think its a gross generalization. I may show my emotions, but they don't rule my thought process. I can't think emotionally, I have to be logical to do my work or decide what I'm going to do.


I think that some consider it illogical when someone makes a decision they don't agree with, but for the person deciding, their choice based on a different point of view and a different logic. We all make decisions with a certain influence from emotions because unless we need something (like food, water, shelter) the things we decide about are usually wants and are not necessary for survival. I happen to think wanting something is always going to be based on some emotional response or desire.


I also find a flaw in the men=logic, female=emotion, when I know many men that act out on the anger all the time, but claim to be logical creatures. Their bursts or fits of anger, rage, hostility, violence, being disconnected from emotion by being written off as men are just aggressive. A behavior that is HIGHLY emotional.

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Everyone is emotional and emotion factors into everyone's decision making in some capacity.


If men say that, it doesn't mean it's worth getting emotional about it Women also speak 3 times as many words a day as men, but again...doesn't mean it's bad, just in a woman's nature.


Also, women are generally harder on other women, than men are on them.

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If men say that, it doesn't mean it's worth getting emotional about it

Is there any one being emotional here?


Joke or not, that's a pretty rude thing to say. Should we just ignore it, in other words, let men say what ever they please and not hold them accountable?


There maybe freedom of speech, but you are liable for every thing you say.

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Everyone is emotional and emotion factors into everyone's decision making in some capacity.


If men say that, it doesn't mean it's worth getting emotional about it Women also speak 3 times as many words a day as men, but again...doesn't mean it's bad, just in a woman's nature.


Also, women are generally harder on other women, than men are on them.


women are also far less likely to kill themselves.

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Their's always going to be exceptions. I've met some women that do seem to have a very good grasp of logic.


I also know that I think much more logically than my girlfriend whom stereotypically often thinks emotionally. And this is usually the cause of our arguments, when she lets her emotions control her and overreacts to little things. Typically though I don't "sink to her level" and instead wait out the storm. And eventually she calms down and apologizes to me profusely for overreacting.


So I do know that in my case, the stereotype does hold somewhat true, however if my girlfriend had no grasp of logic, then she wouldn't see why she was wrong in how she reacted after she's calmed down, and wouldn't apologize. Also, there's been times when I've let emotions get the better of me and snapped at her, although typically this is MUCH more rare than the reverse happening.


I agree that logic and emotions are not necessarily in opposition to one another. However, the best way to analyze something is to be cool, level-headed and completely objective without any pre-concieved notions. It's easy to see how in many cases, being emotional would impede someones ability to be objective and level headed.

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Is there any one being emotional here?


Joke or not, that's a pretty rude thing to say. Should we just ignore it, in other words, let men say what ever they please and not hold them accountable?


There maybe freedom of speech, but you are liable for every thing you say.


It's not an idiotic concept. There are 'real' differences between the male and female...physically, emotionally, etc. These differences have been noted since the dawn of man..from the Bible, to ancient Eastern philosophy, to modern times. Most religion, philosophy, etc. encourges men to lean toward the feminine in fact. So what if women are more emotional? It can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. But that's the dualistic nature of life.


I feel a growing trend in to emasculate men. We aren't emotional enough, we haven't had a manicure lately, or we aren't wearing designer clothes. We need a 'qu**r eye' for the straight guy. It's everywhere. Men easily have a right to become offended.


There is a place to get offended about it I suppose, but to deny difference is idiotic! Yes, I was joking above. It's a tough world out there...people are starving and dying. That's something to get emotional about.

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There is a place to get offended about it I suppose, but to deny difference is idiotic! Yes, I was joking above. It's a tough world out there...people are starving and dying. That's something to get emotional about.

Its idiotic because it is a false assumption.


The things you hold as being examples of how men and women act are all written by men and in times when women were expected to be baby factories.


The idea the men and women are different is not at debate, its that women are accused of being controlled by their emotions and men are not. Both statement are false. Some women may be emotional and some men may be logical, but neither sex is going to be like that based on some GENERALIZATION.


Supporting false ideals only perpetuates them and doesn't allow for any real growth in what people can become. You get assigned a role almost from the moment you are born by being put in a pink or blue blanket. Putting people into gender roles only limits their possibilities and by such limits or race. How can you say a culture is living to its fullest potential when it immediately relegates half the population to being emotional or incapable of constructive thought?

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But far more likely to try.


Far more likely to "kill us" for sure. Men die young for a reason...protecting their women via War, slaving to provide necessities, or just thru a slow emotional robbery. The void created from the excessive emotion they expel, has to come from somewhere. It comes from draining it away from men.

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Far more likely to "kill us" for sure. Men die young for a reason...protecting their women via War, slaving to provide necessities, or just thru a slow emotional robbery. The void created from the excessive emotion they expel, has to come from somewhere. It comes from draining it away from men.

Then maybe you should date men.


Since men are logical and women are killing you, wouldn't it only be logical to date those that won't kill you.

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Far more likely to "kill us" for sure. Men die young for a reason...protecting their women via War, slaving to provide necessities, or just thru a slow emotional robbery. The void created from the excessive emotion they expel, has to come from somewhere. It comes from draining it away from men.


You are kidding.... men die young becuase of an inabilty to express their EMOTIONS, which untilmatly takes its tole on their hearts.

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To clarify AGAIN. I don't think there is anything wrong with being emotional!! It can be a great thing. I'm not trying to relegate the population to anything. I'm saying there are differnces. period. That's not idiotic! Embrace the differences...use them wisely. Women are wonderful creatures. If they were the same as men...God help us.

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I'm not sure what you've been reading. Women's brains are different! Women are different physically, biologically, etc. (duh?!). For example, do women get more 'emotional' certain times of the month? I guess men have just made everything up.


To clarify AGAIN. I don't think there is anything wrong with being emotional!! It can be a great thing. I'm not trying to relegate the population to anything. I'm saying there are differnces. period. That's not idiotic! Embrace the differences...use them wisely. Women are wonderful creatures. If they were the same as men...God help us.


There are definate, scientifically proven BIOLOGICAL differences that give us different strengths and weaknesses.


I definatly believe that women are more emotional than men (generally) but its whether or not its a BAD thing that annoys me.


we are emotional, evolutionary wise, to create stronger bonds between our children and families... which would help the "tribe" stay cohesive and co-operational in pre-historic times

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You are kidding.... men die young becuase of an inabilty to express their EMOTIONS, which untilmatly takes its tole on their hearts.


You're both somewhat off.


Men usually died before women on average because more men used to live a lifestyle less conducive to a long life (i.e more men smoked and had alcohol problems and other damaging habits). One can see this by looking up any chart comparing genders in regards to smoking, although you'd also note that the number of female smokers is on the rise whereas for males its on the decline.


However, Eva does have a point that young men are more likely to commit suicide then young women. This in itself might illustrate something though, the typical reason given is that when a young man attempts to kill himself its because he genuinely wants to die or thinks its the only way out; not what you could call a logical reason but clearly a calculated reason. Contrast this with the reason experts say women don't die from suicide as often because they say they ususally dont want to die but that the attempt is often to draw attention to themselves/ their problems, a sort of "cry for help". Which is a more strictly emotional reason in nature.

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Men usually died before women on average because more men used to live a lifestyle less conducive to a long life (i.e more men smoked and had alcohol problems and other damaging habits). One can see this by looking up any chart comparing genders in regards to smoking, although you'd also note that the number of female smokers is on the rise whereas for males its on the decline.


I can agree, however most men drink and smoke to fill that emotional void.



Just kidding anyway.

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