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soryy everyone. but i'm so confused. I brokeup about a month ago with a guy that I knew for about 7 months. we lived together for 4 months. I was the one that brokeup with him I told him to move out. after he moved out i realized how much i loved him and wanted him back. we talked since and he told me he still loves me and always will. i asked him if it was over and he said just for now. the breakup was all over his wife (he was separated but not divorced.) she wouldn't leave us alone and i couldn't handle it anymore.


now he is back living together with her. he says he is very unhappy and he doesn't wear his wedding ring anymore. he says he is with her because his family adores her and they are very religious and think marriage is forever.


he says he can't just end his marriage for no reason at all because his family will disown him. she has cheated on him but he doesn't have the proof. just heresay. he says he is stuck in his marriage, but he doesn't want to be there. is this all crap or not?

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no one is ever stuck in a marriage....especially when he was out of it for 7 months while with you...than moved back in with her????? Yes it's crap in my eyes, but like oatmeal said, regardless of if its' crap or truth, he made up his mind, so don't waste anymore time with him.

You deserve a man that can give his all to you, not divided with his wife.

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He's vague and wishywashy with you to keep you interested, just as he is with his wife. I don't mean to be cruel, but I suspect you've been played, and just haven't realized it. If he's so all-fired religious, what religion approves of moving in with a girlfriend for 4 months and setting her up for a broken heart? What religion even tolerates that behavior from a married guy who then returns to his wife? What kind of man loves a woman but lives with one he dislikes?


Please look out for yourself. This guy is full of it.

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I'm sorry, SeaBisquit.


I think this guy is playing with your heart, and probably his wife's too.


It makes me very mad. Well, I admit I am bias right now, but what right does he have to do that?


He knows you care about him and is using that against you. To feed you excuses and lines.


Measure not by the intensity of your love for him, but by how he treats you.


Right now, he is treating you badly. Love is unselfish and he is being selfish. It is obviously not considering you and your feelings to ask you to be with him while he is living with his wife! And that is what he is doing.

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