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Is being an anthropologist perfect for me?

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How about a mortician. and as a plus you will never have any small talk to make when you work.


The second advantage as someone with no basic emotions becoming a mortician ... is that you won't have to deal with the biggest emotional complexity on the planet - women. They will run like hell when they find what you do. Perfect solitary and poetically just bliss for the borg. It's perfect.

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That sounds boring. Can I get degree as a contract killer?


I just had this thought, I've always played violent games as a kid, the shooter arcade games, military games, and I've always wanted to be in the military, specifically something hardcore like special operations.


Could I have inherited soldier genes? My dad was a special forces operater in the army, maybe I got them from him.


On the other hand, I think I've been unconsciencely trying to change my life into a more peaceful state of being ever since I have moved.


I know, I sound cold.


Is it nature or nurture?

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Is it nature or nurture?


It's a combination of both. One can't blame their genes anymore than they can blame their childhood though. In my opinion it has more to do with heart and soul more than anything else. (And when I say blame their genes I am obviously not talking about inherited medical conditions..)


I think the career that is perfect for you would be one that you enjoy doing. If you would enjoy being an antrhopologist.. Go for it! But if you would really rather join the military.. That's your answer.

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You can't commit yourself to just one field because you might never get a job as an athropologist. Explore all the options out there. Very few people get into thier dream job, and you might end up doing something that has nothing to do with what you studied in university or high school. Keep your options open.


Since I lack emotion, I'm not really human. thereforeeee, I would be in a perfect position to study other humans from a nonbiased point of view.
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