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Know what? My husband and I in our pre-baby years actually filmed ourselves and I thought that was erotic. And it actually was 10 times better than watching other people. THAT I don't consider porn. THAT was sexy to and for both of us. The place where we messed up was when I decided that "sure heck it's just a fantasy right?" And let him get a few movies. Before I knew it it went from one on one stuff to some pretty kinky stuff and now I am getting ready to really make for some rough water by taking the computer from him and trash all his dvds. As a matter of fact, I am doing it today. His addiction to it has got so bad he will watch it like regular television. For hours everyday and the worst part is .... we hardly ever have sex any more, but he gets mad if he finds out that I have ... um.... taken care of business for myself. LMAO.... It has got WAY out of control and I am putting an end to it. Either his family or his hard core porn..... I will give him the option of the taping us together again... see if that helps.


As for the goal of the origional post.... Porn causes men to forget that they are watching paid actresses perform. They think that sex is no longer a means to express love and affection or an outlet for adoration. It becomes rather, a means for nothing but physical gratification. For women, and most men, sex is a physical outlet for showing love and devotion .... sort of like worshiping your partner. For the men who become addicted to porn or think that real women like sex like that, it becomes meaningless. And the meaningless void consumes like a black hole. Soon it makes everything seem like it has no point or meaning. and just as one person stated earlier, it is like a drug.... they have to get the next big fix to get that rush because they are just never satisfied. I think that looser did you a favor by leaving. Hopefully you will be able to find someone who appreciates you and will show you the level of dedication you deserve. Just learn from your mistakes. Don't let the same thing happen twice!

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There is no man on earth that doesn't masturbate, and when your boyfriend masturbates he's probably using some form of visual stimulation.. it could be a maxim magazine, your victoria secret catalogue, or it could be a playboy magazine or a porno dvd or a cd of downloaded internet porn he has hidden away somewhere.. Or maybe he's using the computer and erasing the browser history when he's done. You obviously trust him but masturbating to porn is something nearly all men do, and something most men have little trouble hiding from their partners, roomates, or parents. It's not hard to hide, at all.


Frankly I even like PlayBoy....lol.... some of the layouts in there are really classy and very sexy and provocative without being sleezy. I would buy PlayBoy every chance I got than to see my man looking at those trash mags. Heck I would even consider letting him take pictures of me for that matter if it brought him back to me....

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