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Tomarrow's my birthday..will he call?

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IMHO - It depends on how your last relationship with him ended. He'll probably call if he's interested in pursuing either a friendship or relationship with you. Or maybe just cause he can't get you outta his mind... hard to say. Not really enough info to make a very educated guess to what his next move might be.

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Hi strawberry!


I'm sorry to hear of your situation, but I want to remind you that it's YOUR day, not anyone else's... so just have fun and don't expect to hear from him. If he doesn't call, it may simply be so he doesn't upset you, you never know.


So from where I sit, it's almost impossible to tell if he'll call or not, and there are too many unknown reasons floating around. As I said, just have a happy birthday without worrying over this, and have a good time with your friends!


Happy b-day!


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Hi strawberry,

First of all happy b-day sweety! I know it is a really tough time to have a b-day but as Secret Agent Man said, it is YOUR day.

Sad moments will be in order. It is natural and normal as you had so many things planed, and probably you won´t be able to help thinking about it. Let that be passing clouds on the sunny sky of your b´day! Let the whole rain forest come day after tomorrow. But on your ´b-day no matter what your situation now, you must celebrate you. Determine your self that nothing will interfere with that!

Take a special time to hug your self, to be sweety and nice with your self-- weird as it sounds. Have a drink to your health for surviving this ordeal. And promise your self that no matter what the year to come, by your next b-day, will be much much incredibly better! Have a happy thought about the future (that does not involve your ex and keep coming back to it throuth the day). Even if it is just something you find preety, like a pair of earings, anything!

I know you wrote to ask us if we think he will right. from how you describe the whole thing it sounds rather amicable. I don´t see why he wouldn´t give you a ring if he knows it is your b-day. But try as much as you can not to be glued by the phone all day. Take "strawberry time-outs" These are times just for you! Where you allow no unhappy thoughts creep in your mind and only happy sensations, yummy tastes and good things surround you!

So happy b-day sweety! Hope your wishes come true. Wishing you lots of health, true love and happiness and long life!


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