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Ok me and this girl have been talking for about 2 months now, we talk on the phone each day and ive asked her out twice, and she been "thinking" about it for about a month now, we've hung out on several occasions and have kissed many times, and even french kissed a few times.


but now it just seems like she wants me to leave her alone... * * *!


idk what she is thinking right now and its really stressing me out. someone give me some advice on what to do.


would someone that wasn't interested in dating me let it drag on for 2 months and go as far as to stick her tongue down my throat????!!!!

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I dont agree with Robowarrior.

If you keep chasing her, and she has decided that she doesnt like you like that, you will be deemed the "scary stalker" type.

She has thought about being your gf for a month? she doesnt want to be iwth you and shes too chicken to tell you

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