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so i am having one of those days where you keep thinking about your ex and the wonderful times you shared together. I guess i miss him a lot today, more than normal and its probably because i saw an amazing dream last night, where we were making out and all that ... and i woke up crying cause i miss him so much! I miss being cuddled and touched and kissed, and it just sucks that I have to do it with someone else someday and NOT him!

I am sure guys have dreams like that and does it hurt as much as it does when girls dream about it? and what do you do when that happens, do you go out and try and hook up with someone just to fulfill the need! After seeing that dream, i had all these weird thoughts in my head about him meeting a girl, and actually moving on! I know that will happen someday, but i dont think I can handle something like that right now. I am not that strong. I have tried to be strong for so many weeks and I just feel hopeless and alone about my future.

i am keeping myself busy... will go swimming soon and I am going to Hawaii with my sister in two weeks!! that should be fun. But, these are all things i am doing to keep myself busy, preoccupied, and the chance to look forward to something. When will this pain end and why do I feel so scared about my future!

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I've seen those dreams...yes, after a break up especially. I felt as though no one else would replace that person...but it does eventually because things happen for a reason and there's always someone will make you happy again.


It's good you're keeping busy. But you have to remind yourself that you'll meet someone that can cuddle you and love you again. Your heart is confused, it's wanting comfort and happiness to heal itself. Every step you take to keep yourself busy and get better will allow yourself to be with that someone unconditionally.


Hang in there, it WILL get better

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My deepest sympathies; those dreams are incredibly painful. After I recently broke up, I had dreams that same night that we'd got back together and were happy together. It was devastating to wake up after that.


The pain is natural, although that won't stop you trying to think as hard as you can about ways to minimise it. Keeping busy is about the best thing you can do, so kudos for doing that already, and the pain will subside over time. The fear for the future (the fear that you've lost the one special person, the fear that you've lost that magic future you'd planned, the fear that you'll never be as happy again etc.) will subside along with it, I promise. It just takes time.

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I am sure guys have dreams like that and does it hurt as much as it does when girls dream about it?


Well, I'm ot a girl and was never one so I really don't know (a bit of humor is always good to cheer you up)

But I can tell you I also had dreams like those and they made me feel really bad. And in one of my dreams, the sad ending was part of the dream so when I woke up I was already really, really sad.


and what do you do when that happens, do you go out and try and hook up with someone just to fulfill the need!


Not all guys are like that, at least I'm not! What I usually is to concentrate in my morning tasks, try not to think about that, try to accept that it was not a dream but just another day in this new reality and, most important, that a few weeks ago I was feeling much worse than I am today.


Keep posting here...writing is good for your soul.

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that made me feel better. i just dont know how to understand these emotions i am feeling and talking to you guys helps a great deal to figure things out. I am in a very confused state right now and I feel like the light at the end of the tunnel is very bleak and dimm. i just miss having my best friend and someone to talk to and someone who understood me for all those years... last night, i dont know why, but i cried for an HOUR!! and i thought i was doing fine... out of nowhere, all these tears started to pour out of my eyes and I coudnt stop them... my eyes were so swelled up at work today morning...

i dont know why people have to break up, its such a sad thing to do. i mean, if you love someone and want to be with them then why break up.. there are always going to be better fish in the sea but one has to be content with what they have ... at least thats what i always thought, but I guess I was majorly wrong (if majorly is even a word in the dictionary)!!!!

oh, did I mention that I am having a bad day!! i almost hit a biker on the way to the gym! i felt so terrible and my self esteem shot down by like 50 points

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last night, i dont know why, but i cried for an HOUR!! and i thought i was doing fine...

I just wanted to let you know that, at this precise moment as I'm writing this, I'm crying too. I don't know why but I started to feel really sad and let the tears go out. I will feel reliefed after this...and I was also thinking I was doing fine!!

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awwww!! things will get better. here's a big hug for you!

just let it out.. sometimes it helps to cry, i know it helped me... i just cry like a baby (in privacy) and hope/pray for a happier better future and someone whom i love unconditionally and am attracted to again and who will love me just as much or more.

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