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Ok so i didnt really know where to write this. . . and ive wrote it on a few of these, so please as many opionions and things as possible please? i need to know what other people think thankyou.




Tomorrow will be a month since my boyfriend and i split up. it WASNT bothering me, and i thought i was over him, until i saw messages from him to his friends over myspace.


now my ex and i dont talk anymore. Well more to the point as HE doesnt talk to me, seeing as i ended the relationship (the only reason i did is because he told me he didnt love me anymore, and that he only liked me as a friend.)


I was totally confused and it took me by surprise, as we had been going out for 5 months. Im only 17, and hes 18.


i wanted to know the REAL reason for why he stopped having feelings for me but he wouldnt tell me.


unfortunately i found out yesterday. . .


i saw messages he sent to his friends about me STILL talking about me! after a month! i found out that hes told all his friends that i was frigid and didnt sleep with him, and THATS why he felt he had no feelings for me anymore.


i just dont understand AT ALL. I was the one who was happy in the relationship. i trusted him with my life, and i wanted to sleep with him (im a virgin) and i thought he understood? yet everytime i went round it was like a little game with him and his mates to see if thomas "got anywhere" his words were "Yeah mate shes nice and everything, but SHE DOESNT PUT OUT!!!!" i mean how hurtful is that???


i think the thing that hurt me the most was the fact that my aunty died a week ago tomorrow and i told him this, and hes told his friends that "i dont give a damn about Emma, and her aunty dying!!!"


i just burst out crying.


ALSO i was sexually and psycially abused about a year ago, i TOLD my boyfriend this, yet he STILL tells his friends that i was frigid??


i know i shouldnt get upset, but i just wish i could tell his friends my REAL reasons for why. i was always scared, and i thought my ex understood that???


it hurts so much knowing the REAL reason for why he didnt have any feelings for me anymre,


the funeral for my aunty is next week. and im gonna be so upset, ive lost so many people i love. . and im finding it hard at the moment.


i know i shouldnt be upset about my ex, but ive never been so angry n upset in my life! i thought he understood!!!!!!!!!


(sorry for the essay, if you could reply, it wopuld make me feel better, thanks in advance)

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Well he sounds like a total jerk for one being a virgin isnt a bad thing its good so dont let them put you down about it be proud about it because if you were ready you would have slept with him but apparently you wasnt so thereforeeee he couldnt understand but there are great men out there and eventually you'll find the right one dont ever let anyone push anything on you if you dont want to. Who cares about his friends and what they say I wouldnt care because in the end who are they to you? you dont love them and they are nobodys with the least respect for a woman. If he didnt want to be with you because you apparently wouldnt "PUT OUT" thats fine you did the right thing PUT him out thats simple. Your a virgin for a reason either your scared to do it or your just waiting on the right person no harm in that and in the end you got the last laugh because he showed you how he truly was by not respecting you or your feelings so you kicked him to the curve and pretty much ended all chances for him to get what he wanted and thats the way to get even with him show him you can find better because you can and most of all show pride in being a virgin its takes someone special to get with you like that and too bad for him he wasnt special enough I hope my opinion helps good luck.

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wow - he sounds like a real jerk! and he doesn't want to hear about your aunt dying? and complaining that you "don't put out?" especially in light of the abuse??? wow. he is such a jerk and you should be very glad he is gone out of your life. Dumping him was the best move you've made.


I think he is probably young and immature. Don't let him get you down. When you meet a man that loves you, he'll wait until you're ready, and won't play these cat and mouse games, running around in circles. Not wanting to have sex with you, and then complaining to all his friends. Forget him. Stop checking his myspace.


The man who is right for you will treat you far better, will want to talk to you about your aunt, and wait until you feel ready to have sex. did you ever seek counseling for the abuse? ((HUGS))

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Consider yourself lucky to still be a virgin and not a notch on this guys MySpace page. Move forward and stay away from his MySpace page. He has zero class and will someday find himself on the short end of the stick. Discussing your relationship in this manner speaks volumes for his lack of maturity.


His comment about your aunt, well let's just say it was childish. Our Mods work to hard here as it is, no reason to make them work harder cleaning up my post.


Hold out for a gentlemen who deserves you.



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this guy is just a jerk... he's labelling you and calling you names and talking to his buddies very callously about someone he should at least treat with respect because you were once together...


and i'm sure that when he breaks up with the next girlfriend, he will find something bad to say about her and post it and tell all his friends... because HE's a jerk!


so this is HIS problem, NOT your problem... should just make you happy you are no longer with him.... a really callous and crass guy, not good boyfriend material....

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Take a deep breath....


Yes, you have every right to be angry at him and to decide not to speak with him ever again.


Fortunately his behaviour is telling a lot about him to other people, not about you.

Can you imagine how much he damaged his reputation when it comes to smart guys and girls by acting that way.

No one who's a good person woan't be interested in being his friend or a girlfriend.


The most important thing to do is to ignore his stupid statements.

In 3 months it will be last year snow.



Plus you've done all the right moves - you dumped him after he told he doesn't love you, you acted mature....

He's doing everything wrong.


Stop checking his myspace page completely.



There are good guys out there too, so don't feel discouraged because you met complete jerk.



I am sorry about your aunt.

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