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Need some advice

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I'm currently a full time student and I usually only work in the summer, but I've been offered a job during the school year. I don't know if I actually have the job yet, because I have to pass my background check first.


Anyway, I'm pretty confused as to what to do, if I am offered the job. I've never worked while in school, and my friends who do work during the school year don't do all that well in school. I need the money, but I don't know if it's worth the risk. I'm already pretty busy as it is.


Anyone who can tell me what it's like and if it's really that hard to do? Thanks.

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Hey there,


I worked as a bartender through my college years and as a grad student and still graduated with honors. It is all about prioritizing. Those friends you speak of whom do not do well in school while working are perhaps making their jobs more important and not their schooling.


While I was an undergrad, I worked 4 days a week. As a grad student, three days. I made schedules and put time aside to study and write papers. Just know your limits and stick to your guns. It is definitely possible to work and still do well in school. Good luck and hope you get the job!

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I have never had any choice but to work during school; I am in law right now as I went back to school and it is a very intensive program and I am working but I still do very well. In my undergrad I was on the Honours list, and now I am not sure my standing but I did well in my mid terms (first year still).


You tend to be better at time management when you are working. The people in my class not working seem to spend a lot more evenings doing nothing and watching reruns and TV for example, while I spend time studying, or making extra income. I waste a lot less time than many of them do from conversations with them.


I always limit working to 15-20 hours/week and am more efficient with my time.


Depending on the work, if it adds to your resume and helps make life easier income wise, than I say try it out and see how it goes. I can also guarantee it is a good thing to graduate and HAVE work experience. That has always given me a leg up to employers as they can see I can manage my time, deal with a variety of tasks and still do well.


If the job is NOT that pertinent to you, you do not need income and can manage as you are; then if you don't HAVE to work, then you don't have too....though as I said before any interview I have ever gone too, they have been impressed at the fact I was able to do both and do well; along with my other hobbies and interests that I am dedicated to as well.

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Hi there Veneratio,


Like RayKay says above, time-management is key:


Write out a detailed schedule of what each day should look like: pencil in time for schoolwork, work, exercise and don't forget to include break-times and friends-time as well!


Realistically, you may have to sacrifice *some* time you used to spend w/ friends and re-route this time to "work"


One caveat: if you find that your schoolwork and your general well-being is suffering due to the extra hours added for work, please do re-consider, at that juncture, whether or not this job is worthy of your education/degree/health.


Good luck!

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For my undergrad degreee.. I fount the busier I was the more i got accomplished...and the better i was at managing my time.


I always worked full time during the summer and then about 25-30 hours per week while at school... and i ran on the track team and volunteered adn still had an active social life.


The one semester that i only took partime studies, I only worke 15 hours a week, but i did horribly in my courses and gained 10 pounds...


i find the more I do, the better I do at everything..

I think its good to work.. gives you a more balanced lifestyle... aside from that I think tis good to work and know you have some money coming in every couple of weeks..

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Thanks for all the replies everyone, I really appreciate. Like I said, I only heard the negative stories, never anything positive, so thanks again.


I got nervous about it because I didn't think I could fit exercise, fire explorers, volunteer work, and social time into my schedule with working, but after reading all of what you said and reconsidering some things I think it's possible. Just limit myself to at least 10 hours a week.


And yeah RayKay, it would definitely add to my resume. Thanks again everyone.

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Thanks for all the replies everyone, I really appreciate. Like I said, I only heard the negative stories, never anything positive, so thanks again.


I got nervous about it because I didn't think I could fit exercise, fire explorers, volunteer work, and social time into my schedule with working, but after reading all of what you said and reconsidering some things I think it's possible. Just limit myself to at least 10 hours a week.


And yeah RayKay, it would definitely add to my resume. Thanks again everyone.


Hi veneratio;


As I indicated above;I do have many other hobbies too that I also do. I compete in mountain biking for example, am an active runner; and fit in my daily workouts early morning. I still socialize; though unlike many of my classmates I keep it down from "every night" to a few times in the month; I have a boyfriend and we own a house so those also require time. Some of my classmates are in a similar position to I but also have children and do work as they have no choice!


It is of course definitely up to you; and also whom you are. Some of my classmates tend to be surprised I work; and ask how I do it; then they tell me that they spent all day previous watching 5 seasons of Seinfeld.... I tell them I do it by not watching Seinfeld (I don't like Seinfeld anyway!)


I am however hoping next school year to not need to work; if I get a good summer position in a law firm in the summer. Our courses get even more intense (I am already doing a big overload) with advocacy work, legal aid, and so on. But I actually would miss it if I do that; because it is kind of nice to escape to work (ha ha) sometimes away in a weird way!

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