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Style of dress hurting me?

Kevin T

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I remember this guy in college (computer classes) who used to sit behind this girl and cough into her hair often. She'd get grossed out, leave, and I assume go home and wash her hair. (We had assigned seating)


He sounded like a seal barking, and never covered his mouth once. If he'd ever covered it, he would have spared her hair.


One day I just couldn't stand it anymore. I told him that he sounded like a small furry animal had crawled inside his lung and died. For once he left and she didn't have to. Ha ha. A nice guy being mean to one to be kind to another. That was the last time I remember him coughing in her hair.


This guy in my class used to always sit beside me. He would arrive late and pull up a desk right next to me. He would sit there and flick boogers on me (I don't think it was on purpose, he just had a habit of flicking boogers while listening to lectures). I would get so angry, I wouldn't be able to sit through the whole class. Sometimes I would slam the door on the way out because I was so angry. Needless to say, my classmates thought I was a bit neurotic..

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Hazey and Charley, may I say: Ewww

Any other time, I would have laughed my head off to hear all this talk about snot and phlegm, but not right after lunch!


I too HATE it when a stranger coughs in my hair! But I no longer confront these phlegm-spitter-uppers.


The other day, I went to the movie theater and this guy sitting a couple seats down from me started to cough and cough ... and cough. The guy in front of him turned back to give him a nasty look. The coughing guy got angry and bonked the other person on the head, yelled and kicked the back of his chair for daring to stare at him! It was very scary.


Anyway, Kevin, no need to lose your scarf, I don't think ...

I see men wearing scarves all the time.


Also, instead of a trench coat, maybe you can try a car coat? A car coat is still dressy and formal-looking but without appearing too much so (as a trench coat might??) ...


Just a thought...

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This guy in my class used to always sit beside me. He would arrive late and pull up a desk right next to me. He would sit there and flick boogers on me (I don't think it was on purpose, he just had a habit of flicking boogers while listening to lectures). I would get so angry, I wouldn't be able to sit through the whole class. Sometimes I would slam the door on the way out because I was so angry. Needless to say, my classmates thought I was a bit neurotic..


Ask the guy loudly enough for everyone to hear, to please STOP picking his nose and flicking boogers your way. His humiliation should stop him.


Nose picking is a common male hobby, but one best enjoyed in privacy. Much like another common male hobby.

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The car coat is what I refer to as a parka length coat. That's what the majority of my coats are. We call that parka length around here. That doesn't literally mean a parka though. I don't own any parkas.


What part of the world do they call it a car coat, and why?

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^ I first saw it in a J-Crew catalogue ... Dunno why it's called a car coat, though


Well, whatever you call it, it's my favorite look. My fleece jackets are that length. So are my shells. I suppose if I combine them and wear the fleece under the shell, then I actually am wearing a parka.


My leather jacket is a bomber jacket. I'd like to have a longer one like the car coat, or parka length, or whatever we choose to call it.


It's funny that we can both be recommending the same thing using different words and not realize we mean the same thing. I find that amusing.


I'm still very against the full length trench coat for him though. I'm an immovable object on that one.

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So am I. But I am embarrassed to say that as I went to sleep last night I realised that I too have a trenchcoat, and that I wear it often in winter. It's a grey check type.


This should be bookmarked as the ultimate trenchcoat discussion huh?


A thought though - have we been talking about the same thing re trenchcoats?


Here is what I was talking about.

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So am I. But I am embarrassed to say that as I went to sleep last night I realised that I too have a trenchcoat, and that I wear it often in winter. It's a grey check type.


This should be bookmarked as the ultimate trenchcoat discussion huh?


A thought though - have we been talking about the same thing re trenchcoats?


Here is what I was talking about.


That looks like a fem version of what I'm talking about. Basically the same thing. The male versions are black, brown, or tan.

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Caro, that's how I pictured a trench coat too!

[Charley, I agree. A men's trench coat would have a different type of collar, I believe.]


Well, I think some people are in professions that call for more business-y outfits. [i confess I too have a beige trench coat , which is perfect to wear over business suits]


But seeing as Kevin is a college student, it might make him stand out (which could be both good and bad)?


This is neither here nor there, I suppose, but I went to an ultra conservative private school to do my graduate studies: the undergrads mostly came from super rich families and everyone dressed to the nines for class every day. Clothes/cars were the great divider b/t grads and undergrads Yet, even at this school, I hardly saw a male student with a trench coat.


Sure some, on certain occasions, wore suits, and on others, sports jackets/blazers, but rarely trench coats.


But I guess this is all moot, in a sense, bc Kevin likes his trench coat and I do agree that he should NOT have to give up his personal sense of style to accommodate those who do not understand it AND judge him for it.



By the bye, Caro, you mention this above but yes, I can't believe we're actually having this convo about trench coats ... of all things!

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I'm not giving up my baseball hats no matter if E women don't like them or not, but the local women like them fine.


However, if the local women were unlikely to ever give me a chance because of the hats, then I'd give them up.


In my local area, baseball hats are the norm for guys who are from 1 year old all the way to seniors. My generation especially wears them in this area.

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personally, i think guys that dress nice are classy and totally hot. and i know alot of girls who like that. but if you come off as being an arrogant jerk thats not cool. and im sorry, the black trench has GOT TO GO. only girls can pull off a classic trench. ick.

but as long as youre hot it shouldnt matter how you dress really.

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