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Style of dress hurting me?

Kevin T

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Just my two cents but to answer your OP, no, I do not think your style of dress is hurting you; if anything, it will keep at bay the type of women for whom you've expressed no interest: vain and judgmental women who will discount you as a possible date due to the way you dress.


It's a win-win, the way I see it.


I thought so too, but I am much the same as them, so what's the difference, really?


I try to limit my hypocrisy to a bare minimum, these days.


Plus, I need to be mindful of the image I am displaying to others. No one wants to be with an angry, miserable downer. Well, I don't, anyway.

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There is such a thing as luck. We all have some. Luck is when an opportunity presents itself, but you have to be prepared to make the most of the opportunity.


Thing is, many people let the opportunities slip by, or aren't prepared.


For example, meeting a nice woman is partly or totally luck. However, meeting her won't do any good, unless you are prepared (in advance) to make the most of the opportunity.


i.e. - you've already got to be looking decent and capable of talking to her when the moment arrives, and it's unlikely you'll know in advance when she's going to suddenly appear in your life. So you have to try and be ready all the time, or as often as possible. Then to, getting out socially will increase the number of women you meet, thereby increasing your luck because you have more chances.


Preperation is what prepares us to take advantage of luck. Both are needed to succeed, IMO. The problem is that few people are prepared to make use of an opportunity when luck provides it.


i.e. - when a woman you like walks up, it's then to late to get a hair cut, change clothes, etc. So you have to already be ready.

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Maybe "chance" is the word you're looking for. Yes, rightly so, the universe is ruled by chaos, so chance runs high.


But things also happen for a reason, so I've got that to fall back on.


You're right though, many a times have I passed by GOLDEN opportunities with great girls, all due to shyness, a bad mood, etc. Foolish, foolish me... Ah well, what is done is done.


Preparation is key, but I find the chances come when I least expect it! Oh cruel irony...




Cowell is my only motivation to watch it. Most of those people can't sing worth a damn, so it's fun watching them get chewed up right, left and centre. Yeah, I'm mean. Whatever.



Anyway, since the evil coat is out for now, what SHOULD I be sporting? Ladies?

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Cowell is my only motivation to watch it. Most of those people can't sing worth a damn, so it's fun watching them get chewed up right, left and centre. Yeah, I'm mean. Whatever.


Ah but that's mostly the point isn't it? Here in Oz they are about to have three mean (read funny, truthful) ones to one super nice one. We must have a lot of deluded "singers" who need to be told the truth.

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Anyway, since the evil coat is out for now, what SHOULD I be sporting? Ladies?


Buttoned up plastic mac. SO hot.


Erm, this is hard. You had some suggestions before I think? Perhaps a nice thick cotton jacket in a neutral colour? Heaps of styles and depends on the cut and ft too -this might be one for a friend to shop with you for.

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This might sound wacky but you might take a camera into some change rooms, or get the serving staff to take some pictures, then come back here and take a poll with the posted shortlist. Too much maybe, but I'd be happy to provide critical comment for what it's worth.

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I don't have any close, platonic female friends.


This is the one time when having a girlfriend might actually be of use to me. Hmm.


You talking about fashion shopping help?


Any woman 30 or younger will do nicely for you, if she has some fashion sense. Married women will often help a guy. Ideally though, a woman in the age range you're after.


Hey, I said a have a lot of platonic women friends, I never said they were all single. Half of them are married, especially those over 30. They all give me fashion opinions, advice, and those who have time will go to a store with me.

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You talking about fashion shopping help?


Any woman 30 or younger will do nicely for you, if she has some fashion sense. Married women will often help a guy. Ideally though, a woman in the age range you're after.


Hey, I said a have a lot of platonic women friends, I never said they were all single. Half of them are married, especially those over 30. They all give me fashion opinions, advice, and those who have time will go to a store with me.


Again, I don't know any 18 year olds well enough to ask to come shopping with me. If I did, I'd be making a move on her. lol


I'm not down with turtlenecks. I am not a turtle.

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Again, I don't know any 18 year olds well enough to ask to come shopping with me. If I did, I'd be making a move on her. lol


I'm not down with turtlenecks. I am not a turtle.


Well, then, any woman under 30 who will take mercy on you, whether she's married or not.


Better a turtle than a popsicle. A lot of my turtlenecks aren't shirts, they're parka length jackets (either fleece or shell) that can zip up into a turtleneck when needed. If really cold, then I wear the fleece parka length jacket under the shell parka length jacket.

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I somehow don't think the parka look is for me.


I'm getting sick anyway. I can feel a sore throat coming on (always the first thing to hit me when I get sick.) I was fine until a few hours ago. I probably picked it up from someone at school today.


Damned slobs... can't they cover their mouths when they cough/sneeze and keep their germs to themselves? Ugh. Really now. (Sorry, I just can't stand getting someone else's bad germs, usually due to their carelessness.)

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I remember this guy in college (computer classes) who used to sit behind this girl and cough into her hair often. She'd get grossed out, leave, and I assume go home and wash her hair. (We had assigned seating)


He sounded like a seal barking, and never covered his mouth once. If he'd ever covered it, he would have spared her hair.


One day I just couldn't stand it anymore. I told him that he sounded like a small furry animal had crawled inside his lung and died. For once he left and she didn't have to. Ha ha. A nice guy being mean to one to be kind to another. That was the last time I remember him coughing in her hair.

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Hey Kevin, its OK to where what you feel comfortable in. I do too and I have no problem attracting female attention. I usually wear trenchcoats and jeans. I prefer clothes with no labels. However I have discovered that when I wear a baseball cap, women initiate conversations with me. There may be something about baseball caps which attracts women. I would wear what everybody else does if I was looking for a gf.

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