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No oral stimulation?


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- Hey everyone. I need some opinions from all of you. My g/f and I have been going out for a little over 2 years now, and we've done lots of manual masturbation with each other, but she doesn't want to go go near oral stuff because she believes that people will think she will lose her virginity. We're pretty comfortable around each other and everytime i get near her vagina (kiss around it), she loves it so much and it's tempting to go further...but i hold back because i don't want to go against her wishes.


So basically, is there a way where i can convince her of a positive oral stimulation session?


And a side question; are there any good positions out there for non-pentatrive sex positions? We're not going there yet, but we love grinding with each other.



Thanks all in advance.




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hey Jvc21,


Wow,It's been a long time scent i've heard from you.I have a fun idea if your Gf up for some outercourse fun.How about making a chocolate sundae around your gf private area.How about getting some chocolate,whip cream and some cherries and have some food fun.Jvc21,Your girlfriend won't lose her virginity until she has vaginal sex.

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IF she thinks it is wrong then she isn't comfortable with it, a person who is so adament about it being wrong isn't going to be comfortable doing right now.. Whether she admits it or not or goes along with it just to please you she could still be bothered inside about it being wrong. Obviously you two have talked about it because you know she thinks its wrong well theres nothing you can do to convince her of anything.

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i suppose you're right, perhaps i'll set this aside for another year and see what happens.


Anyone care to answer my side question at all?


"And a side question; are there any good positions out there for non-pentatrive sex positions? We're not going there yet, but we love grinding with each other."

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I just wanted to compliment you for respecting her wishes and not trying to pressure her. Respecting a girl is a really important quality to maintain even if at certain stages of your dating life, girls seem to like being ignored and treated poorly...



I said the same thing to Jvc21 last year and i'm going to say this again.You're a good man.Jvc21 do you have a brother?(LOL)

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