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dumper gets back

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I agree with the SadOldMan. When my ex dumped me I still loved her, I hated her for what she did but still loved her. She was on an emotional roller coaster and it was best I got off, I couldnt have done it myself. She needed to get her head on straight and I hope she has, I dont wish pain on her. I just want her to realize that I loved her and she lost something special that we had. Thats all, I just want her to think of me and miss me just like I do.

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all these who dump you ,who make you feel so much pain they will get one day everything back from somebody else and then they think what they have done to you.


I'd agree...if the dumper has done something wrong such as mistreat the person they were with. But breaking up with someone isn't wrong and sometimes it ends up being a favor to the dumpee. I personally have been dumped a few times and I think those guys did me a favor because they weren't right for me. And I knew it, but I didn't have the guts to break things off myself because I knew it would be hard even though they were not good matches for me.

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all these who dump you ,who make you feel so much pain they will get one day everything back from somebody else and then they think what they have done to you.


I guess, but then I look at Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake...

She doesn't seem that bothered by karma.

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Im a dumper and although it was far from an easy decision, it was the best for the both of us. He may not see it right now but by prolonging a relationship that has a weak foundation is not healthy for both individuals. If anything, I hope that one day we can go back to being the good friends we were before we started going out and I want nothing more than for him to be happy...

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