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I guess I'm lucky. My first love and I never really broke each others hearts. The downside is we never even dated. The upside is I don't need to get over her.


I did have a 5 year relationship sometime after that, which is well chronicled on eNotalone. I can assure you that your second love, you will eventually get over. After a year of NC I didn't think about her at all. I mean if I met a mutual friend I'd ask how she was. I haven't seen her since then though so that might make things easier.


Regardless time heals all wounds. Stay positive and take some time for yourself that's what you need right now more then anything.


I hope this helps.

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I dated my high school sweetheart for 4 years. There were times when I never thought I'd get over her, times when I thought I was over her but wasn't, then times when I thought I'd never get over her again...and then finally was over her.


I hear about her quite a bit now, but we do not speak. Her best friend is dating my friend...and quite honestly Im always happy to hear if she is doing good. I actually ran into her at a bar a few months back and talked to her for a few minutes. 5 minutes later, I had forgotten she was even there. I was talking to some other girl...the girl that has me all upset now.



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Yes, you can. It does not mean you forget them, or they stop being important part of your past, but you certainly can heal, move on, and love again...and even love stronger.


The reason it is more difficult often as when it is your first love.....you don't always have much experience to know that first does not mean it will be the last either.


My first true love (not first I dated, but first I really felt a true bond and love with) died when I was 22. I truly felt that I would be kind of "lost" forever; robbed of the chance to live a life full of love and happiness. He was the only person I felt ever had "got me", and loved me with his whole heart; and I felt the same for him. And I felt it would never occur again.


Fortunately, I was very wrong in that. That does not mean I did not have some more "negative experiences" again, or have my heartbroken again, but I did eventually meet someone whom is a true partner, and whom loves me dearly, and I love him.


My advice is to take the time to heal, and don't close yourself off to the possibilities. Leave the opportunities open; and you will be rewarded.

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I agree with RayKay. I was with my first love for four years (My first and longest relationship ever) and it did take time. But now I have been with my current BF for nearly three years and even though I still have a soft spot for my first love, I no longer have the strong feelings for him.

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My advice is to take the time to heal, and don't close yourself off to the possibilities. Leave the opportunities open; and you will be rewarded.


RayKay, you give such good advice! I like this one, i'm struggling at the moment to feel positive so i'll try to bear this in mind.


I thought i loved the guy i dated for 2.5 years aged 15-17.5, then i fell in love for what i think was the first true time and it totally superceeded anything i had felt before....it was incredible. We had 4 amazing years together but it all ended in (my) tears and 18 months later i just cant get over him. so, i guess i'm not sure!

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