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Here it is: My brother dated and talked about marriage with a girl for three years. Myself and two other friends were then talked into moving into a house with my brother and his girlfriend. After four months, one of my friends that had moved in with us, left us with my brother's girlfriend. I want to break them up. I don't want my bother to get back with this girl, and I know that will not happen. I just want revenge for my and my brother's sake. He had gone through a hard divorce once and this almost killed him. I will not tell him about this, it is something that I feel the need to do for us both. Please, I don't need anyone telling me I shouldn't stoop to their level or any stuff like that. I just want help finding a way to break these two up. I am willing to hire a PI or something on those lines to break these two up. I live in Minnesota. I don't want to be the better man in this, and I know possibly I will regret it later, but I don't think so. I feel that these two should feel as much hurt as my brother and I have endured. The guy was one of my best friends, and we treated him like a brother. I want revenge. Email me if you wish.

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I don't think you should try to break them up. Karma is rough and they'll find that out on their own. I'm sorry for your brother and I'm sorry that you are hurting for him, but I think you should just let it go and try to help your brother move past it. The best revenge is living well.

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I would be greatfull that my brother got rid of such a person, now he's going to be able to meet a girl he deserves. How about that? Helping your brother in recovering from a brake up and than making plans how to meet someone new?


If you act like you're angry and you want revenge they will feel better than if they saw you two happy....

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That sucks your brother got betrayed like that. But I can't help but wonder - and please don't be offended by this question - but if these two people could do something so deceitful and hurtful, weren't their red flags he could have heeded early on? People don't just up and do something really horrendous without us having a sneak peak into their character earlier on.

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I think the longer you hold on to anger and resentment about this, the longer it will take for your brother to move on.


Just be there for your brother and try to get his mind off this. I don't think you should further add to the problem and the drama.


As others have said, Karma will catch up with them. Don't try to break them up- they deserve one another.



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I agree with everyone, you shouldn't try to break them up.


That said - could you just beat the guy up? Or threaten him? This is really hilarious coming from me, a bespectacled woman with noodle arms, but I think it's warranted. Or tell him you are gonna beat him up to scare him?

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I agree with everyone, you shouldn't try to break them up.


That said - could you just beat the guy up? Or threaten him? This is really hilarious coming from me, a bespectacled woman with noodle arms, but I think it's warranted. Or tell him you are gonna beat him up to scare him?


The problem with going this route is he stands a better than 50% chance of going to jail if he takes it. Or getting the crap beat out of him if it turns out the other guy can fight pretty well. And he'd still probably go to jail, because he started the assault.


I do not suggest this at all.

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That said - could you just beat the guy up? Or threaten him? This is really hilarious coming from me, a bespectacled woman with noodle arms, but I think it's warranted. Or tell him you are gonna beat him up to scare him?


-Probably not a good idea. It could get marconi1981 arrested.


Is this couple worth all of that trouble? #-o

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hey dude. don't do anything. leave it alone. absolutely guarantee it will get back to them someday. who knows it might happen sooner than you think, it might not...


the best thing to do is be there for your brother support. seriously don't make this a personal thing. cause it'll haunt you for the rest of your life.


be the better people and walk away from it. it hurts! yes..but life does go on. take care of yourself and your brother.

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Yeah getting hostile with the guy is not really an option. I understand the karma thing, really I do, but I would really like to help things out. I know that is selfish of me and not the best way to handle things. More than just my brother was betrayed by this: I knew this guy for three years and saw him as close to me as my own bother. He never showed any inclinations like this before, just the opposite, he was the most trustworthy person I had ever met. We lived together for all of those three years and were very close. In taking my bother's girlfriend, he knows that it was also a choice in which he would lose my friendship. I hate that they have done this to all of us. I know we are now better with them not in our lives, but I cannot deny that I desire revenge for all the pain my brother and I have been through.

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