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I am living a tricky moment and would really appreciate your opinions.


Basically, I have developed feelings for a work colleague. I am in control of my emotions. However, I am interested in taking this forward. But I realise the work situation adds extra complications.


We didn't meet in person until last autumn (despite working in the same vicinity for a good few years), but various things have changed and now we seem to be in touch every day.


After we had finally met, a few things happened which gave me the idea that she could be interested in me.


Then I found out she has been single for nearly a year. She's not enjoying it either and has been quite upset apparently. So I naturally put two and two together.


She's naturally very friendly around everyone, but I've been looking for things that she's said or done which could constitute as positive signals.


In her Christmas card to me she wrote a really nice message and thanked me for my 'excellent' work. She does compliment me a lot actually. Just last week she gave me a couple of chocolate biscuit bars while I worked on a routine task for her. I'd never known anyone do that before! It was so nice of her.


She has always emailed a lot since we met. I wanted to wish her well for Christmas, so decided to email about something just before she went off on holiday, and it turned out she had planned to do exactly the same! Coincidence or was she thinking the same as me?


Then first day back after the holidays I was going to email something to say Happy New Year. Then the phone rang and it was her. Just little things like this felt quite encouraging.


I also feel our meetings are quite highly charged. For example, I tend to blush sometimes - and I've noticed she is the same.


And when we speak to each other, she occasionally comes out with some bizarre comments. Does this mean she could be nervous? I go quite shy but she seems the opposite.


Sorry to ramble. I'm just trying to build a picture. What do you make of these things?


I really like her. She's such a nice girl. I'd love to ask her out - but obviously I wouldn't be writing this unless I had a few concerns.


I'm just conscious of making things awkward, especially now we see more of each other. We don't share the same office but it would still be pretty weird if she didn't feel the same.


Also she is older than me so maybe I've just misinterpreted her friendliness and she doesn't see me in the same way at all. I like to think positively but am I being naïve?


But at the same time I am not a coward and am aware that I could stupidly miss out on a beautiful, caring, kind, and very special girl.


I'm very interested in your opinions. Should I hold back and see how things go, at the risk of her finding someone else? Should I take the plunge and tell her how I feel? Maybe I could email and suggest we go out sometime? I'm just not sure.


Thank you so much!!

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Its definitly a win win situation for you, if you ask her out and she says no, you can move on with your life, if she says yes you got a date.


Thing is you never hit if you never shoot right? So give it a shot, and don't be your own worst enemy by letting your shyness stopping you.


Go for the kill cuz you got nothing to lose.

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I only partially agree with the replies up to this point. Normally, the worst that could happen is her saying no. But in a work situation, a "no" is not the worst that can happen.

I'm NOT saying don't go for it, just keep in mind where you are, and use extreme caution. I'd say 95% of the world isnt sensitive to this sort of thing, but the other 5% is a real pain in the butt, lol.


Good Luck

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Don't tell her how you feel yet. It will diffuse all the tension that has been building up. Invite her to do some fun activities with you, maybe over weekends. That way, things will progress naturally and I have no doubt you will find out how she feels about you. Confessing "I love you" can kill the romance, even if it existed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all very much for your help.


One thing lead to another this week and we're going to go out sometime.


It's funny, it wasn't planned, just happened. I gave her my number, she returned the favour, and said I was welcome to call her anytime.


She seems really keen which is brilliant. Maybe my instincts were right on this one?

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