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What would John Wayne Do?

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Hey y'all-This is mainly for the guys, but I'd love to hear some feedback from the ladies (most importantly)-Just a thought, but relationships today seem entirely too complicated, too much "hard work"-Maybe it's because of our 24/7 society, I don't know. ANYWAY, The point I'm trying to make is, WHAT WOULD JOHN WAYNE DO? He's the classic macho, no-nonsense confident alpha male that America dearly admired. How would he put up with these women who "need space" or aren't "ready for a relationship" or whatever. He never put up with that crap from Maureen O'Hara or his other leading ladies! Remember how Clark Gable as Rhett Butler handled Ms. Scarlett??


I suppose I'm wondering what would happen IF we "grew a pair", stood up for our feelings instead of cowering in fear of losing our "ex's" for good if we do the wrong thing. Become much more asserive-I know, I know, this just screams "RESTRAINING ORDER" but I can't help but wonder if maybe women,at LEAST some women WANT an assertive, John Wayne type to take control and DEAL with the problems of relationships, communication, etc in a firm manner, telling 'em off now and then, putting them in their place so to speak. I know some guys do this anyway, but there are a lot of guys (like me) who don't know how or are afraid to assert themselves because we're either 'too nice' or totally whipped.


SO, I'm gonna think on this a bit, at the gym. Just MAYBE I'll do something about it with my 'ex', since I've ALWAYS backed down before. What would I have to lose anyway? Hey, so I wind up in jail. It would be an ADVENTURE! Better than sitting at home playing video games huh??? (Unless your cellmate thinks you're cute)- At LEAST she would respect me for standing up for myself and my heart!! Dammit!!


It would go something like this-"You know something, I LOVE you, that's RIGHT! I love you and I want to kiss you- You NEED to be kissed, and HARD and by somebody who knows HOW, now come here!!!


See what I mean? Not that I would say those EXACT words, but you get the drift. I know it's not 1940 something, and times have changed, but women ARE still women, and maybe us MEN should stop being so INTIMIDATED!!


Just a thought...You may now commence to wail upon me...

Thank you and GOOD NIGHT!!

(drive safely)

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I don't know what John Wayne would do.....but back in THOSE days, there was no such thing as restraining orders....and women were not nearly as assertive as they are today,PLUS it was the movies..not "real life".


Truthfully, as a woman, if I had ANY residual feelings for a guy I would probably want him to show SOME assertiveness with how he felt about me...but at the same time I would certainly expect him to RESPECT me and MY wishes. There is something about a guy with self control that is appealing. In a way....if the guy DIDN;T chase meit would probably make me second guess my decision...but I say this ONLY if I STILL had any residual feelings OR doubts about needing "space". Otherwise anything the guy does is probably just going to annoy me and chase me away....

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