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Feeling empty inside

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Hello there fellow enotaloners, these past few days have felt so strange to me. I can't seem to understand whats bothering me though. I try do things that I'd have fun doing such as playing games or guitar which is great but for some reason its not working. I don't really understand what bothers me inside I just feel saddened inside somehow. Does this ever happened to you guys?

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Well, here are some thoughts I have for you...hope they help, at least a bit.


If you are pretty much always feeling happy, that is great, but it's not ALWAYS going to be like that, ya know? Human emotions are funny things...sometimes we can be trucking along happily, all is well, and suddenly--boom. We feel sad, or lonely, and we're not sure why. Maybe it's an indicator to do a bit of self-assessment...is it time for a change in life? Maybe the fact that you're always happy means you haven't really taken any risks or tried anything new lately, and that's got you feeling empty or down. Maybe that's why the things that usually cheer you up and fulfill you just aren't cutting it at the moment--it's life's way of showing you it might be time to try something new--shake things up a bit.


Also...you say this might have happened before, even if you don't necessarily remember details, so what I would do is really try to note how you're feeling--maybe even write it down--and in a couple of days or a week, revisit it. Do you feel any better? The same? Do that again in two weeks. These feelings might just pass on their own, or it might require some action on your part, but it's worth noting. Then if it happens again, you'll be armed with some past history and the tools to help you work through it.


I hope that helps, at least a little.

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If you are pretty much always feeling happy, that is great, but it's not ALWAYS going to be like that, ya know? Human emotions are funny things...sometimes we can be trucking along happily, all is well, and suddenly--boom. We feel sad, or lonely, and we're not sure why. Maybe it's an indicator to do a bit of self-assessment...is it time for a change in life? Maybe the fact that you're always happy means you haven't really taken any risks or tried anything new lately, and that's got you feeling empty or down. Maybe that's why the things that usually cheer you up and fulfill you just aren't cutting it at the moment--it's life's way of showing you it might be time to try something new--shake things up a bit.


dude i think i know where you are coming from. i also experience feeling really down and alone all of a sudden. i agree with puff in that maybe you're not getting the most out of your life, or maybe something's lacking, which was quite true in my case.


chigal is right on, maybe it's about time that you rediscover yourself....like what your needs and your goals are, what your strengths are, and what things can make you happy. i suppose you're becoming even more mature, and you yearn for other things that will make you feel fulfilled as a person. that's how i look at it.


back when i was 19, a period when my social life was at its peak, i shifted to a different country, and i really felt down and alone because all my mates were overseas. but from that experience, i realised that i rellied too much on having company for happiness. now im learning how to enjoy my own company, and searching new sources of personal happiness.




BTW....Monday's always a bad day....at least to me.

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