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"The Milehigh Club"

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Who's a member, and, er, how'd you get in???


I've recently been propositioned by my SO to join "the club" at the end of this month when we'll be flying together (duh). Mind you, he's already a member (though he joined prior to 9/11), and in theory I'm totally down, but I'm having trouble understanding the logistical aspects of it.


So for those who know anything about it, pray tell and share the wisdom of your experience.

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urm..... how? are you flying first class? which restroom do you plan on using? a normal sized person can barely stand in there, much less turn around, much less fit another person! unless you are flying to australia or new zealand, when halfway through the flight everyone will be asleep, I don't think that you'll be able to do anything without everyone seeing. especially how the last flights I have been on have been completely cramped, I don't think you'll have any privacy to do anything at your seats either.


A couple was just booted off a plane and arrested for lewd behavior on a plane. Seriously, wouldn't that be embarrasing for that to be you who they are talking about on link removed?


(On another note, I have NO idea how obese people are able to get into the restrooms, or people in wheelchairs. there is like NO room in there.)

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Yeh - I could never figure that one out either.


Plus - usually the flight attendants get all uppity about too many people being out of their seats and trying to squeeze into a tiny bathroom - and taking too long whilst other passengers are waiting to use the facilities "properly...."


it's hardly worth the 12 minutes of trying before giving up anyway!


You'd be better off trying to sneak something off whilst in your seats.....

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Lol, all this talk about federal charges makes me feel like I really did something bad. If I would have known all this then I still would have done it. It would have been more exciting then. Not that it wasn't exciting already.


And we were over the ocean at the time, so if they would have caught us they couldn't have kicked us off. Would it still be a federal crime if over international waters?

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Probably an addendum to the patriot act where sex is now an act of terrorism.


yeah, I think it is part of the PATRIOT act. (where PATRIOT is an anacronym for something really scary sounding. ) but yeah, disrupting a flight is not monkey business!


USA PATRIOT Act = Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001

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Lol, all this talk about federal charges makes me feel like I really did something bad. If I would have known all this then I still would have done it. It would have been more exciting then. Not that it wasn't exciting already.


And we were over the ocean at the time, so if they would have caught us they couldn't have kicked us off. Would it still be a federal crime if over international waters?


I am not an international law expert, but I know that the last time I was in a foreign country, I was told that I "legally entered the US as soon as I went through customs and entered the gate area." even though I was still in the foreign country.


so I guess it would depend where is your final destination country and what is the nationality of the plane you are on. I have no clue. If someone has expertise in this area, I would be curious to know!

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It's the restrictively small dimensions of the bathroom that have me scratching my head.


I may be petite, but I ain't that petite.


it's my personal theory that most members of the mile high club who managed to get into the bathrooms together just "stuck it in for like a second or two" and declared themselves members of the club. then they got the heck out of there.


or, they did oral sex or a handjob under the blankets while everyone else was asleep....


I don't know... just my musings.....

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I have talked to several friends who have done it on international flights. What works is to do it on very long flights that have very few passengers. You just get a section to yourself and get it on.


The bathroom business is indeed too small. After I saw 'snakes on a plane', I pretty much decided bathroom milehigh sex wasn't something I was interested in.

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Do you have to actually do it IN the bathroom to be a member?


Last summer my girl and I were flying to the Bahama's...

we had the back row of seats all to ourselves...

got all cuddily under a blanket and...


so if push comes to shove (!) TRQ....

i say go for the blanket.


(and just cause i like braggin'....

we DID do it once in a bathroom TRAIN in Zurich....he he)

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(On another note, I have NO idea how obese people are able to get into the restrooms, or people in wheelchairs. there is like NO room in there.)


Just thought i'd answer since i'm a wheelchair user myself and paralysed from the waist down. instead of going in the restroom i stay in my seat where i have a plastic tube from my penis running to a collection bag strapped to my shin. unfortunately my wheelchair is deposited in the hold for health and safety reasons. because of this, and the fact i'm manhandled around like a lump of meat, flying isn't as romantic as it used to be.


i don't really see the glamour aspect anyhow, now that millions of people fly every day and most plane journeys are cheap, dirty, and don't even have the thrill of danger anymore.

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Here is a newsstory about a couple caught having sex on southwest airlines. they are facing federal charges.


Though if you read the article, you'll see they weren't in the bathroom (they were seated in the cabin), and they made threats of violence against a member of the cabin crew...

"Rest" room is still fair game!

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