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my life sucks

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hot or not is a joke. they rank ugly people high and hot people low. Once, a really good looking friend of mine put up her photo, and she got a 6!!!!! She is hot! some people just like to mess around.


don't use hotornot as the ruler by which you measure yourself. I think you are an attractive guy, great smile.

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Hotornot is BS.


My girlfirend put her pic up on there once just for the fun of it, and she only socred something like 5.2. And she is gorgeous! (PM me if you want to see a pic, just so you know I am not kidding.) She probabaly scored low because the picture wasn't a skin pic.


Don't worry about it. It's just a stupid website.

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My life sucks. I put my pic on a site designed for bored people to judge others by appearance and I wasn't found stunningly amazing.

Cyanide cocktails all around!

Boo friggin Hoo.


That sarcasm aside, you're a decent looking guy, and Hot or not isn't exactly the last word on the value of human life.

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My life sucks. I put my pic on a site designed for bored people to judge others by appearance and I wasn't found stunningly amazing.

Cyanide cocktails all around!

Boo friggin Hoo.


Yes, yes and yes. Puff please don't align your self-esteem with these things. Don't set yourself up to feel bad based on the views of a bored and shallow judging pool of strangers, many of whom are probably well beaten by the ugly stick. What has become of our society, I swear...


And is it out of 10? Since when is 7 a bad result?

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Oh I know... I can't wait until the new Episodes start in February. I am going throught withdrawl!


And the only reason I ever started watching it was because some of my friends kept teasing me and saying I look like Skwisgaar.

Now that you mention it, you sort of do.


What's the guy's name who has a space between his two front teeth, he's my favorite?

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That would be Murderface. He is halarious... Did you see when they got a therapist and he threw a fit because the threapist wouldn't give him a banana sticker? I laughd my asterisks off.

Nope, I haven't seen that one, but lord is he funny, it's something about his voice, and the way his hair looks like a helmet.

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